LinkedIn Questions For The Career Development Association Of Australia CDAA

LinkedIn Questions For The Career Development Association Of Australia CDAA

By Sue Ellson

Date:  Thursday 2 October 2014 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Organisation: Career Development Association of Australia CDAA – Victoria
Session: LinkedIn Questions for CDAA Members
Venue: Online webinar from Melbourne
Presenter: Sue Ellson
Topic: “LinkedIn Questions for CDAA Members”
Description: As a follow up to the CDAA LinkedIn MasterClass on 16 September 2014, Sue Ellson offered to host a free webinar for CDAA Members.  The following questions were received before the event:

I would like clarification on the section for contacts and sync function.

LinkedIn suspended my company account which I created as an individual, any idea why?

How to add LinkedIn icon and link to your email signature?

What are your tips for LinkedIn profile of blue collar workers looking for employment?
Thank you”

How to get leads

What differences are there for a job seeker between a free account and a subscriber account with LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is useful for professionals and businesses as a social networking tool. How useful is it though for other categories like sales people, trades people and labourers?”

Really just want to know who to navigate the tool to make the most use of what it has to offer.

I understand that key words are less important now, could you please explain how and where to use key words now?

What’s the best way to use LinkedIn to tap into the hidden job market?

I come across different opinions in relation to writing the profile summery in first or third person. What is your recommendation?

What should be the main difference from LinkedIn profile to resume in your view?”
advanced search functions and lead generation

What is the importance of ranking ?

How do I cover more than one career simultaneously?

Linkedin – How to tap the hidden job market through Linkedin

How to use inmail?

Best way for students to use LinkedIn

What industries are best to utilise LinkedIn? How basic can a profile be for job search (I have some clients who are very adverse to technology)?

What are the advantages of a premium account?

Just really want to learn more about using LinkedIn for Career Development for my clients – just starting out.

“Best Job Search Strategies Linked-In?

How to best position Key Words for Searches?

Summary best in 1st or 3rd person?

In this highly competitive market how critical is it for a career development practitioner to practice and promote themselves as a specialist rather than a generalist ?

How it all works:)

Sharing docs and articles leads to all sorts of problems for me. Sometimes it works and others not. Can you lead us through this?

I note you have a very detailed profile. I thought it would be too much but as the expert I take your advice, can you advise how much is enough?

Is there a method you use to share info regularly without over doing it?”

Are there different styles preferred by different countries? Eg I’m keen to extend my connections into Canada… Is there a trend there that I should reflect?

How do I best help my clients searching for roles on LinkedIn? Not from a HR perspective.

What is your advice for those who have recently exited an organisation as to when to change their current role in the experience area (dates)

General LinkedIn information

Is it appropriate to contact people via LinkedIn to request information interviews / work experience?

I saw a video from USA that recommended this use, but would it go down in Australia?

These questions would have Career Practitioners looking to actively support their clients interested:

How to come up with a list of suggested groups to help our client grow his/her network and make new contacts?

Tips and advice on how to use LinkedIn to access the hidden job market?

How to Keyword optimise your LinkedIn profile (strengths, achievements focused)?

Thanking you in advance for your generosity and expertise!

What a great (and long) list of questions, exciting.

Another question I thought of is around using LinkedIn for publishing. (the little pencil icon). Do you have experience and recommendations about this use for LinkedIn? And how does it differ from a company page where you can post as well? And how does it differ from simply posting statement on your profile?

My question is … recently I’ve been receiving emails from people on LinkedIn  which invite me to their webinars. I don’t know these people. How can a person send emails to stage a webinar?

Audio Recording:

Download the 14.2MB .m4a file lasting 30:14 recording of Sue Ellson’s presentation at

Please note that this recording is only of Sue Ellson’s voice and the first part of the recording covers the administration of the webinar.