Sue Ellson's Reviews
LinkedIn, Careers, Business, Hyper Local Marketing, Gigsters
You can visit these links to see a small selection of previous reviews, testimonials and feedback or you can write an informative review by clicking one of these links and then choosing ‘Write a Review.’
Alternatively, you can fill in the form on this page – no login required!
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Reviews of Sue Ellson
Laurie Smale – a client speaking at Busybird Publishing
Open Mic Night #104 on 18 September 2024 at 00:02:14
Publishing Content Online Workshop with City of Boroondara
I really enjoyed your course. Thank you. 🙂
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for joining us online for the course TB and so pleased to hear that you enjoyed the course! Sue Ellson 😀
LinkedIn Fundamentals Workshop
Many thanks for the LinkedIn Fundamentals Workshop you delivered this week, you’ve got such great energy in your delivery, I am still digesting all the information, tips and tricks you provided, just amazing!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for your feedback on the LinkedIn Fundamentals Workshop! It is a lot of content to get through and so pleased to hear that you are taking action and implementing the suggestions! Sue Ellson 🙂
Suicide Poem
I felt encouraged by reading your poem. I can imagine that many a client who might be having some fleeting suicidal thoughts might feel validated and also comforted by the words. I say to my clients all the time that there will be a day in the future when you will look back and realise that life provided reasons for living. I see that how you end the poem reflects what I say to my clients.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for taking out some time to review the poem before its publication – I greatly appreciate your time and feedback! Sue Ellson 🙂
Bad Boss Poem
I read you’re poem and I love it 😀
Response from Sue Ellson
I am so pleased that you love it and I trust that it reflects both your feelings whilst you were in the role, the strength you displayed in leaving and the joy you feel in your new role! Sue Ellson 🌟
Inspiring Person
Even though I have only known you for a short time, I was fortunate to meet you. You are an inspiring person and are making the world a better place.
Response from Sue Ellson
I think we should both join the Mutual Appreciation Society – your wealth of wisdom and insight was clearly evident and I wish you were on LinkedIn so I could follow you there! Sue Ellson 🌟
Article Submission for Online Business Magazine
We’d love to post this one Sue — it’s actionable, specific, references real situations, and presents some more overlooked advice. Thanks for another excellent contribution; I’ll be in touch when it’s live.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for this detailed feedback! I am an educator at heart – so anything that I can share that ‘can’t be found by AI yet’ is a bonus! Sue Ellson 🌟
Review of 'Ode To Death' Poem after Memorial Service for Michael Leunig
Nice to see someone boldly using rhyme – excellent!
REPLY // Thanks James – yes, I like rhyme but I try to avoid familiar cliches!
That’s the aspect of rhyming that we call ‘skill’! Anyone can rhyme, but to rhyme effectively (avoiding cliches being one aspect of ‘effective’) … that’s another matter.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you James. It is my goal to make my poems accessible and easy to understand – and I find the ‘musical’ nature of rhyming to be helpful with my writing. Sue Ellson 🌟
One-on-one LinkedIn Session
Thank you for your valuable mentoring session on Monday. I was impressed by your LinkedIn skills and knowledge and your enthusiasm.
Response from Sue Ellson
It was my pleasure to assist you – especially as you took the initiative to seek my services to support your employer’s increased presence on LinkedIn at your own expense – and thank you for the box of chocolates and prompt invoice payment too! Sue Ellson 🌟
Book Marketing for Authors
Thank you again for your excellent webinar and for these valuable assets to work with.
Response from Sue Ellson
I am so glad that you found the ‘Book Marketing for Authors Webinar’ helpful and that you can use the assets that I have sent through – keep up the great work! Sue Ellson 🌟
Book Marketing for Authors Webinar
Following on from your excellent workshop on Saturday I’m now putting into action some of your suggestions.
Response from Sue Ellson
This brings joy to my ears – congratulations and would love to hear the results you receive! Sue Ellson 🌟
Excellent presentation
Sue generously shared her knowledge on book marketing in an easy-to-follow webinar. I have 25 years experience as an educator and learning facilitator, so it takes a lot to impress me.
She knows her stuff and inspires confidence in others who want to self-market.
As an author of three novels, I am looking forward to taking the marketing of my books to the next level.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Cecile for your review. I put a lot of effort in before the webinar to make sure that I focus on the key aspects of each topic based on my research and extensive lived experience. It takes courage to go on the book self-marketing journey, especially in Australia! I trust that you will be able to go next level and implement the relevant strategies that suit you. Sue Ellson 🌟
You get the nitty-gritty. Zero waffle.
Sue nailed it. Her 28th December 2024 presentation on marketing for authors was full of real targets and how to hit them. No waffle.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Trevor for your witty review and I am so glad you have some targets to aim for moving forward – keep up the great work! Sue Ellson 🌟
University of South Australia, LinkedIn for High Achievers Workshop
It was lovely to meet you yesterday, and what a fantastic workshop! I’m so glad I could be a part of it and have the chance to connect with you. I also learned a few new things—it was definitely an eye-opener for me!
Thank you again for supporting the University of South Australia community with the LinkedIn for high Achievers Workshop, we appreciate it!
Response from Sue Ellson
I am so glad you got some new insights on LinkedIn – it is such a powerful tool! It is wonderful to be able to support the university that launched my career – my final research project was the catalyst for my entire online presence! Sue Ellson 🌟
LinkedIn Fundamentals Workshop
Great session, thank you for letting us in to your world and sharing your wealth of knowledge.
Grateful for the excellent session and follow up content.
It was paced well, and covered the content.
Really enjoyed the categorising of Setup, Shine, Surprise as the way to approach building and polishing off a LinkedIn Profile.
Lots of points that I would normally overlook. Interesting to see the way that LinkedIn profile needs to be ‘optimised’.
Very useful workshop.
Thanks Sue – really inspiring and helpful.
Response from Sue Ellson
I am so pleased that you all found the LinkedIn Fundamentals Workshop helpful to you. Going through the outplacement process is never easy, but I trust that once you update your LinkedIn Profile, you will be able to strategically network and find referrals and even apply for jobs more successfully! Sue Ellson 🌟
Appearances on Today Extra on Channel 9
We’ve loved having you as a guest on the show. You’re always welcome.
Response from Sue Ellson
It has been my pleasure and I loved meeting other guests in the makeup room! Sue Ellson 🌟
Publishing Content Online Overview
Everyone was so impressed with your presentation at Express Networking last week (thank you xx), so I think that we definitely need to run an extended session next year. Is that something you’d be interested in?
Response from Sue Ellson
I would love to run an extended session and dig a bit deeper with some relevant examples related to small business in the local area. There can be so much time ‘wasted’ with publishing online and knowing what gives the best value is vital! Sue Ellson 🌟
Business Magazine Editor
Thanks again for your valuable article Sue–I appreciate that you have your ear to the ground when it comes to new tech topics and how they relate to SMEs, which we love to feature. Feel free to send me pitches whenever.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute and I look forward to sharing more articles in the future! Sue Ellson 🌟
Artificial Intelligence AI Top 10 International LinkedIn Specialists, Trainers and Consultants
Sue, I saw your name come through on John Esperian’s list. I was travelling at the time and acknowledging was challenging. Congratulations! You work very hard and are very generous with the way you share your expertise. Congratulations 🎊 👏
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you and yes, you are right, I do work very hard (and could perhaps work smarter!) and I like being generous with the information I share – I am educator at heart! Sue Ellson 🌟
10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Webinar
Thanks for this Sue. It’s been ages since I attended one of your events and I’m very glad I did so today!
You do a fantastic job and give so much value. I learned a heap from how you’ve done all this and definitely need to up my game!
Thanks too for including me in your event both by mentions and giving me a chance to speak. That was very kind of you. I really appreciated it!
All in all, a good investment of my time!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for joining us today – it is always lovely to see you and likewise, I love all the work you do and share online as well. So pleased to hear that you felt it was a good investment of your time – I aim to pack as much in as possible in that first 30 minutes and give us all time to chat afterwards! Sue Ellson 🙂
Weekly coaching sessions
Thank you for helping me find my voice on all the various platforms we have worked on this year, it has been very healing ❤️🩹
Response from Sue Ellson
It can be really difficult after a life of challenging circumstances to put yourself out there in front of the public but also critical family and friends – it is very brave of you to embark on this journey and I am so pleased to watch you develop and grow! I look forward to seeing how it all comes together in the future! Sue Ellson 🙂
One-on-one Technical Consultation re LinkedIn and Personal Website
Thank you and really enjoyed our session this morning, very insightful. Looking forward to being able to create content myself in the very near future. 😊
Response from Sue Ellson
I have really enjoyed working with you for an hour a week for several weeks now – and I am thrilled to hear that you are willing to start publishing your own content, especially as there are so many technical tools you can use to help you and there are experts worth talking to for additional advice as well (and I hope you enjoy the chat with the expert I referred you to!) Sue Ellson 🙂
Article: Why Your Job Application Was Unsuccessful
Sue Ellson is one of the most thorough and skilled people I know concerning LinkedIn and job search – her list of reasons job applications don’t make it through is wonderfully exhaustive, and (as always) helpful. Which is why I am sharing; I am familiar with all of them from my work with clients.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Jennie – coming from a fellow Career Specialist, I really appreciate your feedback and your willingness to share the article with your network online! Sue Ellson 🙂
Practical Content in Postings
Hi Sue, Just wanted to comment on the practical content of your postings, l often get comments that most self-professed business owners / authors etc on LinkedIn would not last a month in the real Corporate World. Whilst it’s true setting up a business from home funded by family with even leads thrown in has nothing in common with real business your expertise shines thru in what you write. Well done. Keep up the good work!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for the compliment in relation to the practical content of my online postings! I started my online content sharing in 2001, without family or external funding, or leads – just the boot strap version of building it up organically over time. I keep my overheads low and the process simple to ensure that everything I share has an educational focus. I am so pleased to hear that you find it helpful! Sue Ellson 🙂
Fantastic Insights on Social Media and AI Marketing!
I recently had the opportunity to attend Sue Ellson’s session at the Catholic Development Network professional learning day.
Sue possesses a profound understanding of social media strategies and provided valuable insights into harnessing AI for marketing purposes. Her delivery was clear and easy to follow, and the practical tips she shared are sure to bolster our organisation’s online presence.
If you’re seeking to elevate your LinkedIn proficiency or delve into AI-driven marketing, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to Sue.
Thank you, Sue, for an enlightening session!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you so much for attending the session on Social Media and AI Marketing at the Catholic Development Network professional learning day, but more importantly, for taking action as a result of attending! It is so easy to attend a learning event and then go back to work and do what you have always done in the past. Writing reviews is a great way to acknowledge the efforts of the presenter, but also to develop the skill of recognising value wherever you see it and saying thank you. I really appreciate it too!! Thank you, very much! Sue Ellson 🙂
Catholic Development Network - Term 2 Seminar - Metropolitan Social Media and AI Marketing
Thank you so much for your insights and willingness to teach and share yesterday. You are amazing!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for being such an active listener in the session and asking excellent questions both during the session and afterwards! Sue Ellson 🙂
10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Career Results Webinar Recording
Recommend watching this webinar recording generously provided for free by Sue Ellson. So many useful tips thanks Sue.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Gabrielle – I really appreciate you acknowledging the value in this presentation and sharing it with your network on LinkedIn! Sue Ellson 🙂
10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Career Results Webinar Recording
Thanks it was great! I’m not a linked in utiliser, but wanted to learn a bit more. I’ve been watching some of your webinars while working on admin this week, lots of great information! Thank you
Response from Sue Ellson
Well done on not only watching the recording of ’10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Career Results’ but also for exploring the other LinkedIn webinars I have recorded and made freely available – I love hearing from others who also love learning! Sue Ellson 🙂
Highly Recommend - A Fantastic 30 Minute webinar laden with tips on how To Improve Your LinkedIn Career Results
Sue’s webinar, was one of the best 30 minutes I’ve spent learning about LinkedIn. Sue is a fantastic presenter and very generous with her time taking questions and also sharing workbooks with attendees post webinar. If you’re not a frequent user of LinkedIn, new to it, looking for a role, looking for a new role or just trying to improve your web presence, attend one of Sue’s webinars!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Donna for joining us at 10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Career Results! Yes, I do a lot of preparatory work to make sure that I pack in as much information as possible in the 30 minutes and the workbooks are there to help people implement the suggestions (and also for people to absorb as much information as possible during our time together), I appreciate you recognising the value and sharing your review on my website – thank you! Sue Ellson 🙂
Golden Key International Honour Society GKIHS - Self Sufficiency Strategies Webinar
I just attended your presentation on Self Sufficiency Strategies on GKA. I found your ideas around networking to be helpful – thank you. I really appreciate your time.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you! I am glad to hear that you found the ideas around networking helpful and thank you for acknowledging my voluntary contribution! Sue Ellson 🙂
Golden Key International Honour Society GKIHS - Self Sufficiency Strategies Webinar
A big thank you for your excellent session. It was very valuable advice.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for organising so many amazing webinars for Golden Key International Honour Society GKIHS and for acknowledging that my advice was valuable! Sue Ellson 🙂
Golden Key International Honour Society GKIHS - Self Sufficiency Strategies Webinar
It’s one thing to present well publicly, another to do so via an online platform – you nailed it.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you – it is great to hear from an online participant that the webinar was helpful and I trust that the inclusion of both specific content and stories made it interesting for you! Sue Ellson 🙂
Golden Key International Honour Society GKIHS - Self Sufficiency Strategies Webinar
Just wanted to once again say thank you for the webinar. Your presentation was very engaging and insightful, and I am sure that attendees got a lot out of it. I look forward to implementing some of your suggestions 🙂
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for inviting me to present on a ‘new’ presentation topic although I do have a lot of lived experience around this topic and loads of practical strategies that have been fully trialled and tested and I know that they work! Sue Ellson 🙂
Maximising LinkedIn for a Professional Association
Hello Sue,
Thank you so much for your time yesterday, and for providing the information below. We truly are inspired by the new knowledge you have shared with us, and have a renewed enthusiasm to focus more on optimising our LinkedIn account and presence. Thank you once again – we really enjoyed yesterday’s session with you.
Response from Sue Ellson
When an association improves it’s presence, it helps all of the members as well. Thank you for taking positive steps forward on your LinkedIn journey! Sue Ellson 🙂
LinkedIn for Academics Two Hour Training
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the excellent LinkedIn and networking course you prepared for our employees last week. It was highly informative and beneficial for our team. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
Response from Sue Ellson
It was a pleasure to provide this workshop for the Prague University of Economics and Business and great to receive feedback from individual attendees as well. Thank you for inviting me to present on the topic of LinkedIn for Academics and Researchers! Sue Ellson 🙂
Independent LinkedIn Specialist
I attended a workshop that Whitehorse Business Group hosted with Sue Ellson as the speaker and it was fantastic. Sue’s content was created specifically with the group in mind and was very informative and easy to understand. On top of that, Sue made the slides she’d created available to us as well. Thanks very much Sue for an excellent evening.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Leanne – so glad you could attend and you gained value from it. This was my fourth presentation for the Whitehorse Business Group since 2015 and I hope there will be more in the future too! Sue Ellson 🙂
CEO of Professional Association
Thank you for taking the time to share your vast knowledge with our members.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for inviting me to share my insights over so many events in the last 10 years! I am really impressed by the level of professionalism and commitment to staying on trend and relevant to your members across multiple streams and I welcome the opportunity to keep on sharing through various training opportunities in the future! Sue Ellson 🙂
Sue Ellson - Podcast Guest on The Wisepreneurs Project
Sue is incredibly energised and focused on what it takes to survive, grow and thrive as an independent professional. This was an incredibly informative conversation and well worth the listen.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Nigel Rawlins – you asked some great questions and one that was really worth exploring was around keeping yourself healthy – in the rush for pay, conditions, promotions etc, a lot of people put this last on the list, until it is too late…Sue Ellson 🙂
Overview of Digital Presence
Thank you for your generous offer and sharing some valuable tips regarding LinkedIn. The information you provided is of great value to us and we will be putting them into action.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for being prepared to listen, learn and take action from the session. It can seem like a ‘lot’ to do but let me assure you, it will make a difference! Sue Ellson 🙂
10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Research Webinar Participant
Thank you for your webinar yesterday. It was informative and I appreciate your advice to my questions.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you – I am so glad you could join the ’10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Research’ webinar yesterday and for being brave enough to answer questions live! So glad we could address your concerns around applying for jobs and not getting a response and targeting recruiters aligned with your goals. All the best, Sue Ellson 🙂
Personal branding advice
I had an insightful conversation with Sue about personal branding and her advice was thoughtful and spot on. I left the conversation with a better idea of how to approach some of the barriers I was overthinking. Thanks Sue!
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for providing feedback on our discussion around personal branding Sharon. It can take a while to adjust to the fact that people relate to people stories rather than the challenges they face – so we need to represent those stories effectively and take practical action to make things better for everyone. I have managed to make a lot of things happen without a budget – it makes you much more creative and independent in the long run. When I look back, I can see how the little actions of many people can really shift the needle on change. Sue Ellson 🙂
LinkedIn Online Training for our Not For Profit Organisation
Thank you for the 2 training sessions you provided last week.
It was wonderful to get an overview of LinkedIn in 2024 and tips and ideas on how our Not for Profit Organisation can improve our use of LinkedIn, as well as what we are doing that is working. This was very encouraging!
I appreciated the time you took to explain each point on my list, despite going over time.
Your passion and enthusiasm are infectious – you are an excellent trainer.
Response from Sue Ellson
It was an absolute pleasure to do a deep dive with you and answer so many insightful questions. It has been pleasing to see your progress over the last six months and see you experimenting with what you have learnt in previous sessions as well. I am sure you will continue to find many new and innovative ways to share your message, gain community support and achieve amazing outcomes and impacts! Thank you for your feedback! Sue Ellson 😀
10 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Strategy Webinar
Thank you for reaching out and sending the video of your talk! Your talk provided really practical tips at an opportune time as I’m still trying to figure out the platform.
Response from Sue Ellson
I am so pleased you found this webinar helpful – and if anyone else is reading this review, you can see the slides and recording online at I really enjoy running these 30 minute webinars each month and condensing the information relevant to the topic every month. I look forward to seeing you online in other webinars in the future! Sue Ellson 🙂
LinkedIn Knowledge
Your knowledge & experience over many years has been a game changer for me, you are a real expert especially on LinkedIn it’s priceless.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you for acknowledging my expertise and inviting me to be a visitor to BNI Inner East Melbourne today. Yes, LinkedIn is a very powerful tool for people in business and I noticed several group members were not on the platform, so hopefully they will be in the future! Some of the reasons why I recommend LinkedIn include:
1) You can add everyone you meet to your network – and always have the ability to contact them
2) If you have people in your network and you engage with their content online, they will remember you
3) You can optimise your name or keywords in online search results (Google Independent LinkedIn Specialist and you will see me there)
4) You can curate your Newsfeed by clicking the Notification Bell on People or Pages of most interest to you
5) You can use a QR code on the mobile app so you can connect and not carry business cards all the time
Thanks again! Sue Ellson 🙂
Assisting my daughter with the start of her new business
Thanks SO much for such a comprehensive and empowering session with my daughter yesterday Sue. She came away very inspired and ready to act. Such a gift to see that in kids, so really appreciate you helping make it happen for her!
Response from Sue Ellson
It was my pleasure to help you both and bridge the knowledge and generation challenges and be a part of her business progress. It is great to see a father and daughter seek professional support and take a shortcut on the road to success, initially on LinkedIn and then with her first website in her own name! Sue Ellson 🙂
‘Your Google Business Profile’ - workshop presentation
Last night I attended a workshop ‘Your Google Business Profile’ presented by Sue Ellson for businesses in the City of Boroondara last night.
This was an excellent two hour workshop – jam packed with detailed information (which was much broader than just Google Business), practical tips and how to implement them. The presentation was not your usual pedestrian Power Point presentation, but rather took participants through an extensive handout, complete with links to support websites to support her teaching points. Sue’s presentation moved along a good pace, but still gave plenty of detail and participants had the chance for questions throughout. I enjoyed the way she engaged with participants throughout and the injection of humour.
There were excellent ‘’buyer beware’’ tips if a business is looking to create a website or to upgrade their existing website – along with how to maximise your business’s online presence in order to grow. I certainly learnt a lot and was extremely pleased I had invested the time. I will certainly be implementing a large number of the ‘’must do’’ suggestions from Sue.
Thank you Sue for an excellent presentation.
Response from Sue Ellson
Thank you Duncan for this very comprehensive summary of the workshop on Google Business hosted by the City of Boroondara. It was great to have you join us and thank you for your active participation and involvement – it is wonderful to have engaged participants and to hear more about your enterprise and how it will help people in the future. Keep up the great work and thanks again! Sue Ellson 🙂
inSTEM Conference Presentation - Online Presence A Results Driven Approach
Hey Sue, thank you so much for the talk and the slides, they are really helpful, I am changing my CV according to the format that you’ve taught us at inSTEM
Response from Sue Ellson
I am thrilled to hear that you are updating your CV and can implement the suggestions from the inSTEM conference session! Sue Ellson 🙂
LinkedIn for High Achievers for Eaton Corporation
I had the pleasure of attending your seminar at Eaton this past Tuesday. I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the insightful seminar you conducted.
Your comprehensive coverage of the topic was truly commendable, and I found the content both engaging and enlightening. It was indeed a valuable experience.
Response from Sue Ellson
So glad to hear that you found the LinkedIn seminar insightful, engaging and enlightening! Now for the implementation phase! Sue Ellson 🙂
Effective Digital Engagement and Marketing Course
Thanks again for the fantastic Session yesterday.
I learnt so much my brain is still hurting!!
Response from Sue Ellson
Oh no – I don’t want your brain to hurt! But I am guessing that it is because it is nice and full of new information – hopefully you can rely on the workbook to complete the implementation! Sue Ellson 🙂
Effective Digital Engagement and Marketing Course
Thank you so much for yesterday Sue. I got a lot of valuable information out of the day!
Response from Sue Ellson
So pleased to hear that you found the course so valuable – next step, implementation! Sue Ellson 🙂
Effective Digital Engagement and Marketing Course
What was most helpful to you today?
What else would have been helpful to you?
I believe Sue covered all areas
What will you do next?
Create a LinkedIn Profile
Would you like to receive additional support or coaching going forward?
Not at this moment
Any other comments?
Thank you 🙂
Response from Sue Ellson
That is great news – I like to attach new learnings to what you may already know and glad to hear it was so helpful! Sue Ellson 🙂
Sue Ellson Reviews
These were previously collected on a previous version of my website. I will restore them in due course.
Nov 10, 2021 by Sim Thiam Soon
LinkedIn For CEO’s And Business Owners
Hi Sue, thanks for the recording, learnt several new things from your mention and hope to implement these for the business. Appreciate your kind assistance.
Thank you Sim, so pleased you found the LinkedIn for CEO’s and Business Owners online event useful and extremely happy that you plan to implement some of the suggestions in your business – well done! Sue Ellson
Oct 21, 2021 by Career Coach And Counsellor Based In New Zealand
LinkedIn For Business Coaches And Career Specialists Event
In gratitude! Hi Sue, I belatedly watched your webinar in early October for CDAA and just wanted to thank you for you immense generosity! I also read about your intention to stay current as an older worker (for want of a better term!), which resonates for me as well, upskilling daily and inviting new challenges and learning opportunities. Love your style and your energy for giving! Warm regards
Thank you for accessing the recording of the LinkedIn for Business Coaches and Career Specialists Event all the way from New Zealand. Yes, it is vital to keep up to date and I have been attending between one and four events per week since the year 2000! Helping people learn really drives me and gives me heaps of energy. I also really appreciate you taking the time to send a personal message – that means a lot! Sue Ellson
Oct 20, 2021 by Narrelle Paige
Catholic Schools Guide ‘The Ignite Series’ Virtual Forum 2021 ‘Discover The 10 Secrets To Maximising Your Social Media Platforms’
I absolutely loved this. I learnt so much from the amazing panel of experts. I have pages and pages of notes. Thank you Sue, I could’ve listened to you all day!
Well done Narrelle – thank you for your active participation throughout the virtual forum and feel free to share what was most helpful to you at any time! Sue Ellson
Oct 19, 2021 by City Of Boroondara Employee (Local Council)
Business Focus Group Held On 18/10/21
Great to have you at the focus group and love all you do for businesses locally.
I am a very proud resident of the City of Boroondara and I see my work as a contribution to my local community and I love seeing familiar faces over many years – it is my pleasure to be involved in the focus group for planning in 2022 and beyond. Sue Ellson
Oct 15, 2021 by Returning LinkedIn Private Client
Updating My LinkedIn Profile And Learning How To Use LinkedIn For A Business Development Role
Hi Sue
I will be rewatching the session and taking more notes.
It was a brilliant session.
It’s a good thing I know how to make my own profile work better!
Thank you for such a brilliant session. I will be following up, for sure.
On a personal note, it was such a pleasure to see you and hear where you are at. I don’t have many role models, and to see what you’re doing and how you are growing is a real inspiration to me.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
It was so lovely to see you again and understand how your career journey has changed so much in the last five years. I am excited for you for this next stage and look forward to supporting you in your contract role over the coming months. LinkedIn has changed a lot and there are many ways that an enterprise can use it to promote their offerings. Have a great weekend! Sue Ellson
Oct 14, 2021 by Aden Carter
Catholic Schools Guide Ignite Series Virtual Forum
Just wanted to touch base and say how much l enjoyed the Schools Forum today, l work with Greg (based in our Sydney) Office, my career over many years has seen my work within the schools sector at different levels so l will stay in contact and look up some of your publications. Stay Safe and thanks again for your passion and contributions today.
Thank you Aden, great that you could join the Catholic Schools Guide Ignite Series Virtual Forum on ‘Discover the 10 Secrets to Maximising your Social Media Platforms.’ Greg Campitelli did an amazing job bringing the five panellists together and attracting so many people to the event. There were some real gold nuggets in the various presentations and as an educator at heart, I loved sharing both strategy and tactics for social media in schools. Sue Ellson
Oct 8, 2021 by Bruce Tweedie From Music Mill
Online Training Session With Founder And Staff
Sue’s analysis of our online marketing program enlightened me about how everything is connected to everything else. There are lots of relatively small initiatives that I had previously dismissed as a waste of money and time, but now I have a better understanding of how the jigsaw pieces amplify each other.
It has been fascinating to start with a good briefing, to prepare an online audit report, to have your team add their comments and now to go through the explanations and training to help you understand how all the online components of your digital presence interact – and we have only gone through the first half of the report so far! Looking forward to the next stage and seeing how the suggested updates increase your statistics with your target audience and build and maintain your existing relationships. See you online next Tuesday! Sue Ellson
Oct 6, 2021 by Christine Bilsland
LinkedIn For Business Coaches And Career Specialists
Just attended Sue’s webinar that I came across on LinkedIn. Perfect timing for me to ramp up my LinkedIn awareness. Really appreciated Sue’s professional, engaging and amazingly comprehensive litany of useful tips. Great use of an hour! Thank you Sue.
Thank you Christine – so pleased to hear that the LinkedIn algorithm helped you find the event on LinkedIn for Business Coaches and Career Specialists and that you got so much out of the hour long presentation (and the extra half hour of questions). Feel free to share the link to the recording, slides, document and chat transcript to others! Sue Ellson
Sep 25, 2021 by Course Teacher
Collarts (Australian College Of The Arts)
Wowee Sue, thank you so much – that was such an incredible guest lecture I got SO much out of it and I know the students did too. Really, thank you so much.
It was a wonderful privilege to provide my second guest lecture at Collarts (the Australian College of the Arts) and this time on the topics of online branding and LinkedIn. Fantastic questions from the engaged students. I have received additional feedback since this session which helps me understand what is most important to young students starting their journalism and story-telling adventure. I hope I can come back again next year! Sue Ellson
Sep 23, 2021 by Student Of Freelance Journalism And Entrepreneurship
Presentation At Collarts – Tertiary Arts Education
Thank you so much for coming into our class today Sue; I really appreciate your words as they resonate deeply with me. Your poem ‘Love Within’ is profoundly beautiful too. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Thank you for going above and beyond the course content and digging deeper into my actual social media content – I am thrilled to hear you gained additional benefit from my other work and I sincerely wish you all the best with your future endeavours! Sue Ellson
Sep 16, 2021 by Student, University Of Sydney Business School
R U Grad Ready Bootcamp
There are lots of things that are helpful to me. For example, how to change settings and privacy in Linkedin and the importance of finding a professional association to join. I just started to work on my Linkedin. So knowing what is significant to add and how to do them and are most helpful to me~
Thank you for letting me know what was most helpful to you in this session for the University of Sydney Business School students. Online learning makes it possible for me to help students worldwide and it is great to hear that you will be connecting with a relevant professional association and updating your settings. All the best in the future! Sue Ellson
Sep 3, 2021 by Independent School In Tasmania
LinkedIn Workshop For Year 11 And Year 12 Students
Thanks very much for the workshop this morning. The students were really engaged, and had great feedback afterwards about how useful it was to be supported with navigating the service as students, especially given LinkedIn is generally more geared to working professionals.
It was so wonderful to be able to run this LinkedIn Workshop online but have two staff facilitating at the other end with quick breaks for students to be able to update their LinkedIn Profile during the workshop. Great idea to showcase how to do an Alumni Search for the school so that students can find other alumni around the world and see students follow and subscribe to other social media for your school. All the best in the future and I hope the students who could not attend can watch the recording and gain benefit from that as well! Sue Ellson
Aug 19, 2021 by Webinar Participant
Maximising LinkedIn Webinar For CoreNet Global Australia Chapter
It was akin to opening a fridge and bypassing the light and seeing a nugget of gold behind the margarine. It was very good.
So pleased to hear that you found the workshop on Maximising LinkedIn so valuable. It was designed specifically for Corporate Real Estate Professionals and it was so good to have such a high percentage of people who registered on the webinar and asking such great questions! I hope you have the opportunity to put the recommendations into practice. Sue Ellson
Jul 26, 2021 by RC
Sue Ellson’s Poems And Fiction For Grant Submission
Just wanted to let you know your poems and writing made for a good reading weekend. You’re very talented and creative – a great storyteller. Fantastic skill and passion to have. Well done and good luck with the grant application. I know that even without it, you’ll still pursue and achieve your goal of writing more. Very imaginative ending to the fiction book.
Thank you for your ongoing support and personal encouragement of my writing, not just my non-fiction writing since 2016, but my more recent poetry and fiction writing. I really appreciate it. Sue Ellson
Jul 17, 2021 by DG
Dame Changer Online LinkedIn Masterclass
WOW thanks for an amazing presentation – you are very generous and encouraging.
Thank you for accepting my invitation to attend the Dame Changer Online LinkedIn Masterclass this week and I am so pleased you could stay right to the end and join as a Member as well! Thanks, Sue Ellson
Jun 11, 2021 by Carly Wharton, State Marketing Manager, Aussie Home Loans
Social Media Strategy Course Australian Institute Of Management
As a marketer it’s important to be on top of the latest trends and how to best utilise them for your business. Very grateful to have completed the Social Media Strategy course at the Australian Institute of Management with Sue Ellson, thanks to Aussie. Highly recommend for anyone wanting to improve their digital marketing skills.
Thanks Carly – yes, as a senior leader, it is essential to be on top of the latest trends and to be able to discern what is worth exploring and what is worth giving a miss. So happy to be a small part of your journey and thanks for sharing stories on the course. Digital marketing is a skill useful for all marketers. Sue Ellson
Jun 11, 2021 by Jennifer Troxell
Social Media Strategy Course Australian Institute Of Management
Really enjoyed this course. Thanks Sue Ellson for all the valuable information and tips. Can’t wait to implement them all. Thanks Project Coordination Australia for putting me up for this Australian Institute of Management program.
Thank you Jennifer for joining us. Was great to have you as such a valuable contributor with your quick links in the chat and I wish you well in your future social media endeavours. Sue Ellson
Jun 11, 2021 by Sinead Quinn
Australian Institute Of Management Social Media Strategy Course
I took part in a Social Media Strategy course this week through the Australian Institute of Management.
Thanks to Sue Ellson for sharing your knowledge. I found the course really engaging and all the content was really relevant and insightful. Looking forward to putting all my new skills to work!
Thank you Sinead for joining the Social Media Strategy Course at the Australian Institute of Management. I am pleased to hear that you found the content relevant and insightful and the training engaging and I look forward to seeing your new skills online! Sue Ellson
May 31, 2021 by CH
Mailchimp Newsletter Training
Thank you for patiently teaching me to use Mailchimp.
Your wisdom and gracious instruction are still paying dividends 10 years after you taught me how to use it. Thanks again for your guidance
You have been an amazing mature age student over many years and it has been my absolute pleasure to teach you skills that you learn and implement. I am so proud of you! Sue Ellson
May 20, 2021 by Tim
Great Information At CAE Search Engine Optimisation – Key To Success Workshop
Great information and presented in a way that even I had no trouble understanding, and giving me several new ideas I can implement right away.
Thank you Tim for attending the Centre for Adult Education (CAE) Search Engine Optimisation: Key To Success four hour workshop. Was great to have you in the group and thank you for asking great questions and being an active learner at all times. I wish you terrific success! Sue Ellson
May 15, 2021 by Student At Toorak College
Networking And LinkedIn Presentation At Toorak College, Mt Eliza
Thank you for coming in today to talk at Toorak College, I really enjoyed it and found it really useful.
So glad you enjoyed the presentation and found it useful. I love receiving feedback – thank you for messaging me. Sue Ellson
Apr 22, 2021 by Educate Plus Webinar Attendee
Webinar On How To Find Staff, Students And Alumni On LinkedIn And Online
Thanks so much for providing a very informative Webinar on Monday. You have me very motivated to start Linkedin at our College to help find Alumni.
I am thrilled to hear that your college will now be able to use LinkedIn to find and connect with past alumni – and I am sure they will appreciate being reconnected! All the best, Sue Ellson
Apr 22, 2021 by Camberwell Networkers Online Zoom Meeting Participant
Networking Opportunity
Sue is a bit of a blessing especially in these times.
Thank you, it is indeed a privilege to host a monthly event for the people who live, work and network in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. All the best, Sue Ellson
Mar 18, 2021 by AR
LinkedIn Masterclass For University MBA Students
Hi Sue,
Thank you!!! It was fantastic having you on board for today’s workshop.
Thank you so much for taking the time to be involved and for sharing your insights and experience with the students. I know they’ll have lots of great takeaways from the session that they can use to elevate their profiles on LinkedIn – I certainly do!
It’s been such a pleasure working with you on this. Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s ever anything I can assist you with.
Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful end to the week!
Warm regards,
Thank you for inviting me to provide a presentation to MBA Students on the topic of LinkedIn (my favourite topic!) – great to have so much interest and involvement in the session and I trust they will put their new skills into practice. Sue Ellson
Mar 11, 2021 by Victoria Dalglish
Excellent Trainer
Thanks Sue for the two workshops on line you’ve presented recently. Your knowledge of social media for business is amazing and your ideas and experience have been very valuable.
Thank you Victoria for joining the Google My Business and LinkedIn for Business Workshops for the City of Boroondara. Great to have you join us and thanks for your excellent questions and active participation. Look forward to seeing you again at other workshops or networking events in the local area! Sue Ellson
Jan 19, 2021 by Chris
Christmas Day BYO Picnic Lunch 2017
Hi Sue,
We were fortunate enough to have attended the picnic in 2017 when we were on a road trip through Victoria.
The Christmas Day picnic stays in my mind as one of the best memories from that trip and I have often thought of emailing you to say thank you for organising such a wonderful event.
We live in Sydney and have not been back to Victoria since that trip. If we ever spent time in Melbourne again, I would love to attend one of your events. Everyone we met was lovely and this was one of the best Christmas’s we have ever had.
Kind Regards
Thank you Chris for joining the Newcomers Network annual Christmas Day BYO Picnic lunch in 2017 and for remembering it four years later! We have now hosted this every year since 2006! See you again sometime. Sue Ellson
Dec 14, 2020 by Jill Weeks
LinkedIn For Me And My Career Or Business
Sue Ellson’s latest book, ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business’ would be ideal for people:
who run their own business, who are searching for work, looking for volunteering opportunities or are wanting an encore career.
It’s well set out and is full of good, practical, detailed information.
Thank you Jill for your review of ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business.’ So glad you can see its value for both job seekers and business owners and I truly appreciate your ongoing support over so many years! Sue Ellson
Oct 12, 2020 by Victoria
Living, Working And Networking In Australia Online Event
I am very grateful for your time yesterday.
Your session was very informative and a lot of useful tips.
I picked up a lot of useful and valuable information.
Thank you very much for generously sharing your time and knowledge.
This is appreciated.
Thank you Victoria for joining the ‘Living, Working and Networking in Australia’ online event and I am so pleased you found it valuable. Sue Ellson
Sep 21, 2020 by CAE Student
Social Media Strategy For Business Course
After a great session this morning, I’ve had lunch, been for a walk, and am now even more inspired than I was before the session.
Thank you for your feedback on the CAE Social Media Strategy for Business course – it is a great introduction to the world of social media and I trust it gives you a practical roadmap for the future! Sue Ellson
Sep 17, 2020 by New Author Client
Creating Website And Social Media For Author And Practitioner
Hi Sue,
You are an Angel.
You are beyond my tutor.
You are a mentor, friend, adviser and a very special Lady.
Thank you, thank you.
I understand that musicians and artists find the world of technology overwhelming and it has been my pleasure to support you on this journey and produce a product that reflects your joy and commitment to music education. All the best in the future! Sue Ellson
Aug 7, 2020 by Online Zoom Event Participant
Living, Working And Networking In Melbourne
Thank you Sue for all the information. In just one session you gave us much to digest, hope to keep in touch with you and the community you have built.
Thank you for joining the monthly “Living, Working and Networking in Melbourne” event for people who are new to Melbourne. This has been running for many years and it is a pleasure to meet people who are new to Melbourne and help them with job search strategies, LinkedIn tips, career suggestions, general lifestyle and networking advice. All the best in the future! Sue Ellson
Aug 1, 2020 by Program Director
Private National Registered Training Organisation
I want to thank you for taking the time to address the group yesterday. The feedback, about how informative and valuable the information you imparted, has been exceptional. I have advised the management of your session to see if they would like to engage your services for our many cohorts. The session was engaging and extremely practical. I appreciate your time.
It was my pleasure to address students of Sarina Russo Institute, particularly during a time when finding work is challenging. Thank you for your feedback. I trust you can re-use the resources provided on a voluntary basis in the future. Sue Ellson
Jul 31, 2020 by Workshop Participant
Sarina Russo Institute CTA Program
Thank you so much for your presentation to the CTA group.
Outstanding presentation – certainly will be recommending you throughout my network.
Your knowledge and ability to communicate to the group is so valuable.
Many thanks once again.
I understand, intimately, how difficult it is for people to go from unemployment to employment and I see it as a privilege to help people find a way to move forward, especially when they are not at their brightest and best. It is simply a case of learning ‘how to find work’ skills rather than ‘how to do work’ skills. I hope it leads to many productive outcomes! Sue Ellson
Jul 28, 2020 by Swinburne University Of Technology 1st Year Student
LinkedIn Tips & Tricks As Part Of Swinburne University Of Technology O-Week Provided By Swinburne Student Union
I attended your talk through the Swinburne Student Union yesterday and just wanted to say thank you. I’m very new on LinkedIn and have been finding it quite intimidating and your talk really helped – having steps to gradually follow makes this feel so much more approachable. Thanks again Sue.
Thank you for joining the LinkedIn Tips & Tricks Session organised by the Swinburne Student Union for 1st Year Students of Swinburne University of Technology as part of O-Week! Great to hear that the session was helpful and that you are willing to tackle your own LinkedIn Profile in the future! Sue Ellson
Jul 21, 2020 by Jill
Very Informative Twitter Seminar
Thanks Sue for a great session via Zoom and (Boroondara Business): ‘Twitter For Business’. Great strategies, clearly explained.
Thank you Jill for joining us for the City of Boroondara ‘Twitter for Business’ Online Zoom session on 21 July 2020 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. It is always lovely to have you as part of a seminar and to reconnect with you after first meeting so many years ago. Very pleased to hear that you found the Twitter Strategies helpful and that they were clearly explained. See you again soon! Sue Ellson
Jun 29, 2020 by Elizabeth
One-On-One Career And LinkedIn Two Hour Session
Thanks Sue for a great session today. I feel inspired and encouraged by your suggestions and am looking forward to putting them into practice.
Thank you Elizabeth – it was great to meet a kindred spirit and share our very similar ‘war stories’ but also to be able to map out a range of options for the future which I am sure will lead to a more aligned and values-based role in the future. All the best, Sue Ellson
Jun 23, 2020 by Client From Many Years Ago
Thank You For The Article Mention
Hi Sue. You have no idea how much that means to me… Thank you. And so much needed right now, to be reminded where I once was. You will always be “that person” who helped me turn my life around in Australia, when I was ready to give up. I admire you so much and so privileged to have met you.
Hello again and thank you for responding to my mention of you in the SHINEing the spotlight feature on the SHINE Business Women website Your acknowledgment of your situation and your commitment to change all those years ago has been a constant source of inspiration to me ever since. I feel blessed to be a part of your transition and to have played a small part in your transformation and to see you grow and blossom and share your love and light with so many others. Thank YOU! Sue Ellson
May 13, 2020 by Workshop Participant
LinkedIn For Business Workshop City Of Boroondara
Thanks for the Linkedin session last night. I got a lot out of it. BRILLIANT!! Now to put into practice.
Thank you for joining the LinkedIn for Business Workshop hosted by the City of Boroondara – and so pleased to hear that you got so much out of it! Make sure you use the workbook as a road map on what to do next. Sue Ellson
May 12, 2020 by Kym Phillips
Google My Business Workshop Via Zoom From The City Of Boroondara
Wow Sue that was a fantastic zoom session yesterday I really enjoyed it thank you. It was easy to follow and understand with great content including excellent communication, you’re a real expert Sue and very good at presentations.
Thank you Kym for joining the Google My Business Workship hosted by the City of Boroondara. I am so pleased to hear that you enjoyed it and that you found the content useful and explained appropriately. Sue Ellson
May 12, 2020 by Facebook Commenter
Sue Ellson you’re a wonderful writer! Love your poetry too. I was unfortunately made redundant due to the pandemic. Slowly applying for jobs and also looking for freelance clients again. So your article ‘Can unemployment be good for you’ put a smile on my face.
So pleased to hear that you enjoy both my poetry and my non-fiction writing – that is great news – thank you! So happy to hear you now have a smile on your face – there is so much to be grateful for and to enjoy in life. Sue Ellson
Apr 26, 2020 by Local Resident
City Of Boroondara Online LinkedIn Tutorial
I watched your LinkedIn Tutorial today, that’s fantastic thank you it includes lots of helpful tips.
It was indeed a privilege for me to be able to produce a video for the City of Boroondara and have it available online at Sue Ellson
Apr 21, 2020 by AHRI Webinar Participant
What To Do For Your Business Whilst Working From Home
Thanks so much Sue, I loved your presentation, finding it informative and personally inspiring. I agree with the idea of offering ways we can help others and plan on looking at this further as a passion project. I’ve registered for all webinars in the series and will check out your website for publications and presentations. Again, thank you and take care.
Thanks for your feedback and I am so pleased to hear you found it both informative and inspiring (that’s my goal for sure). Yes, we all have unique ways we can help other people. I hope you find the other information online useful too. All the best, Sue Ellson
Apr 15, 2020 by Workshop Participant
Google My Business Workshop Hosted By City Of Boroondara
Thank you for such an informative presentation. You have inspired me to put more effort into this aspect of my business.
Thank you – great to hear you are ready to implement the suggestions in your business! All the best, Sue Ellson
Apr 13, 2020 by William Tong
LinkedIn Kudos
#Kudos Thank you for being such a #TeamPlayer
Thank you William – yes, I am definitely a team player and willing to help others on their journey. All the best, Sue Ellson
Apr 10, 2020 by PB
LinkedIn Articles
Hi Sue, After being pointed to your articles by Sally Walker here in the UK, I’ve read several of your articles and have been impressed by how much they’ve made me look at myself – thank you so much for this!!
Thank you PB. Sally Walker is a real champion when it comes to re-sharing my content and I am so glad you have found it helpful. I hope that introspection leads to positive outcomes for you. All the best, Sue Ellson
Apr 9, 2020 by Community Relations Manager At A Private School
LinkedIn Training For School Alumni And Community Development Team Members
Thanks for the discussion today and sharing your valuable expertise and insights. It is much appreciated and will assist us in processing a LinkedIn strategy and content plan. The follow up documents are excellent too – very helpful. Thanks again.
It was my pleasure the support The Friends’ School in Hobart Tasmania and I am so pleased to hear that the LinkedIn resources will be helpful to you as well. Sue Ellson
Apr 2, 2020 by NH In The UK
LinkedIn Articles
Hi Sue, I have been reading your articles after some recommendations from your contact Sally Walker. I have been buoyed up by their practicality – thank you.
Thank you and thanks Sally Walker. Glad you enjoy the practicality – I like all my content to be actionable. All the best, Sue Ellson
Feb 29, 2020 by Melissa McCallum
RACV Club LinkedIn Workshop
Thanks Sue Ellson for taking our #RACVClub #members through the power of LinkedIn on 27/02/20. One of the brilliant #events in our Life Skills series #clubevents Great find Sarah Wainewright!
So happy to provide ‘life skills’ for the RACV Club Members Melissa – they were really engaged and a great group of very talented and accomplished individuals. All the best, Sue Ellson
Feb 29, 2020 by Sarah Wainewright
RACV Club LinkedIn Workshop
Thank you Sue Ellson for a such an insightful evening. Your #LinkedIn knowledge is second to none and our members came away with a wealth of knowledge
Thank you Sarah – so glad you found the information helpful and that your members benefited from the session! All the best, Sue Ellson
Feb 29, 2020 by Elena
Understanding The Basics Of Social Media Course At The Centre For Adult Education (CAE)
I’d like to thank you for your high quality social media course at CAE last Thursday 20 February 2020. I came home feeling it was one of the best courses I’d ever done: it was a great privilege to benefit from your teaching and wealth of experience and expertise on this subject.
Your course was stimulating, informative and comprehensive and you created a fun learning environment. I am still exploring many of the links and information included in your course notes, an excellent take-home resource for future reference.
You have motivated me to really explore and understand the social media phenomenon in greater depth, even if currently I can’t see myself using certain platforms in my personal life. Interestingly, your course has shown me that I actually already do use many of the consumer-oriented tools, although at the course I described myself as a social media dinosaur.
I would also like to thank you for your incredible generosity in sharing so many extra resources with us, including free access to your books. I have read many of your website articles and particularly enjoy your positive, enthusiastic approach.
At every opportunity I will freely recommend your work and courses to others.
Kind regards
Thank you Elena – the best course you have ever done – wow, that’s exciting! Glad you enjoyed the in-class component and are making use of my comprehensive handouts (they are updated before every course I teach). It is good to recognise what we do know and build on that – makes the learning so much easier if you ask me. I hope to remain positive and enthusiastic for as long as I am breathing! All the best, Sue Ellson
Feb 19, 2020 by Michaela
Super Informative Workshop!
Thank you Sue for your SEO workshop and helping me to dip my toe in the water. It was such an informative evening. I really appreciated the advice and resources you provided, which has given me a clear set of next steps.
Thank you Michaela for joining the Search Engine Optimisation Workshop at the City of Boroondara Council Offices in Camberwell on 18 February 2020. Thanks for asking the ‘tough’ question of the night and I will email some details of someone who can answer your question. I wish you all the best with your next steps! Sue Ellson
Feb 19, 2020 by Philip Derham
SEO Session – Most Effective
Listened to Sue Ellson speak about SEO and websites last night at a Boroondara Business session.
Her detailed, thorough notes and very helpful comments will keep me working on my website, strengthening it, for some time.
Sue presented very effectively and was a significant resource and I’d strongly recommend that anyone with an interest in their website improvement attend one or more of Sue’s sessions.
Thank you Philip – you are always such an engaged participant who asks insightful and relevant questions that are useful to both you and others. I look forward to seeing you at different topic sessions in the future. All the best, Sue Ellson
Feb 11, 2020 by Course Participant
Search Engine Optimisation Workshop For City Of Boroondara
Hi Sue, Another fantastic workshop! When I first started doing your courses I felt really overwhelmed and a little depressed, thinking it was all too hard. Now, after doing repeat classes, I’m taking it in my stride and understanding a lot more, and feeling comfortable with it all. And as you know, my ranking has really improved, always room for more improvement though! I’ve learnt and understood a lot more after last night’s session. I feel empowered to be in some sort of control, so that I can make the improvements myself. Really satisfying! Thanks so much Sue, you truly do a great job!
Thank you for joining one of the many workshops I run for the City of Boroondara – in this case, the Search Engine Optimisation one. It has been great to see you over several sessions and hear about your improved rankings – long may it continue. Sue Ellson
Feb 10, 2020 by Podcast Host
Podcast Interview
I appreciate you taking the time to share what you’ve learned from your own experiences with us. It was insightful and inspirational.
Thank you – it was my pleasure to be on your international podcast for entrepreneurs! Sue Ellson
Feb 8, 2020 by Book Purchaser
120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn
I have bought your book ‘120 Ways to Achieve Purpose with LinkedIn’ and going through it and loving it. Thanks for putting it together and helping so many people. Looking forward to connecting and reading more of your work in the future.
Thank you and I am so glad to hear that you are going through the book ‘120 Ways to Achieve Your Purpose with LinkedIn’ in stages – it is a strategic road map that you can adjust to your purpose. All the best, Sue Ellson
Jan 15, 2020 by ATP
Assistance With Finding A New Role In Melbourne As A Newcomer
Dear Sue Ellson,
I am very happy to inform you that I have got a job offer from Department of Transportation, Victoria ,to join as an Engineer. It’s a six month role (temporary position). However, I feel it’s a good opportunity to start my professional career in Melbourne. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and guidance and in being a pivot part of my professional journey.
Hope to see you in your next event. With Regards ATP
Thank you ATP for letting me know that the information I shared at a Newcomers Network event helped you secure a relevant role and a great stepping stone in your career – but more importantly, that you went home and took action – well done! All the best, Sue Ellson
Dec 6, 2019 by Course Participant
Search Engine Optimisation – The Key To Success
It was great meeting you the other day. It was a fantastic class and I gained a lot of insights.
So pleased you found the Search Engine Optimisation class so helpful! All the best, Sue Ellson
Dec 5, 2019 by Student At University Of Melbourne
Networking For Students And Graduates Presentation
It was great to meet you last week at the Networking lecture. You are humour and confident and I really like the content as well.
Thank you for your feedback. I am glad you enjoyed the humour but more importantly the content! All the best in the future! Sue Ellson
Nov 20, 2019 by Jill
Another Excellent Presentation
Was fortunate to attend Sue’s ‘LinkedIn For Business’ seminar at Boroondara Council offices.
Her presentation was clear and comprehensive.
Thank you Jill – great to see you there and ready to take action with your next version of your own LinkedIn Profile! Happy updating! Sue Ellson
Nov 18, 2019 by Course Participant
Understanding The Basics Of Social Media And Social Media Strategy For Business
Firstly, many thanks for the wonderful social media courses I recently did with you at CAE. I thought you were outstanding in every way and instantly saw what a true expert you are in these areas .. especially LinkedIn which was such a surprise (I – like many others I suspect – thought LinkedIn was mainly for professional profile-building, networking and job seeking ..!). It was fascinating to find out what a brilliant platform it is for other purposes .. thank you so much for your brilliant insights there.
I was thrilled to participate in both your classes and appreciate everything you taught me as well as this incredible additional material which you have so generously shared with us.
Best wishes in all your myriad pursuits .. you’re an amazing lady!
I am so pleased you were able to join two separate courses at the CAE on Friday and Saturday of the same week! Yes, LinkedIn has many different benefits beyond professional profile-building, networking and job seeking – most importantly, the incredible publishing features! I wish you well in your upcoming country based enterprise and trust you will enjoy all that fresh air! Sue Ellson
Oct 16, 2019 by Alessandra Bortoleto
I would like to thank and recommend Sue Ellson for her exceptional and fantastic work. She is passionate about what she does and has huge knowledge of the industry. I contacted and met Sue in the beginning of July 2019 to focus on finding a new role in my area of expertise. I am an industrial engineer with experience in my country (Brazil), and I wanted to come back to work in the engineering industry here in Melbourne after being in the hospitality and finance industry for 3 years (while completing my studies). Sue gave me valuable LinkedIn and industry insights and extra resources to start my journey to find my desired role. After our two hour meeting I was full of information, new LinkedIn profile and homework to do. I followed Sue’s advice and modified my CV to reflect these changes. After 3 months I can now say I was successful in my applications and I found the job I wanted as a Project Engineer in a paper industry. I really thank you Sue for all your help and support!!
Congratulations and well done to you Alessandra – you have obviously decided to listen to a local professional to help you achieve your goal, but more importantly, you have actually completed the follow up tasks and achieved success! It really impresses me that with just a two hour session, you were able to secure your chosen occupation at the right remuneration rate without having local Australian experience in that area – so well done on both listening to and implementing my suggestions! All the best in the future!! Sue Ellson
Sep 7, 2019 by Local Hairdresser In Camberwell
Hello dear Sue,
Thank you very very much for your kindness and help!
You always take so much time to help us and we do appreciate!
Also thank you again for coming to us!
Many thanks and regards
It has been an absolute pleasure to support your local business in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and I trust your new venue will be just as popular as your last location on Burke Road. Sue Ellson
Sep 5, 2019 by Pete Hunter
Living, Working And Networking In Melbourne Event On 8/5/19
There’s always something new to learn when you meet people & specially when you meet people who share their experiential wisdom & learnings with you – you not only learn new things, you add a lot to your personality because some of these people are just awesome & with contagious energy
Sue is one such mentor & professional coach whom once you meet, not only do you go back fully charged & energetic, you feel like meeting her again & again.
I’m certainly going to her book launch on 17th May.
Congratulations Sue !
Thank you Pete for joining the Living, Working and Networking in Melbourne event on 8/5/19 and I am so pleased you found it both informative and engaging. Sue Ellson
Aug 30, 2019 by J Weeks
Thanks Sue for a most illuminating and wonderful presentation on ‘Search Engine Optimisation’. Clear, easy to understand and with many ‘gems’ thrown in, Sue’s presenting style made for an excellent session.
Thank you J Weeks, was wonderful to have you in the Search Engine Optimisation Session at the City of Boroondara event in Camberwell last night. I am looking forward to hosting a variety of new sessions in 2020 related to both social media, Google My Business and YouTube. Sue Ellson
Aug 1, 2019 by Vivien Liow
Thank You
Great personality Sue is one of the next career advisor. She can provide useful information for all the audience. All her books are really useful too! I really appreciate your help in the Career Expo in Melbourne on 28 July 2019. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and providing useful informations for my future career. Thank you.
Thank Vivien for your feedback on the presentations I hosted at the Melbourne Career Expo on Sunday 28 July 2019. Great to have you there and I hope you can implement the learnings and enjoy even greater success in the future! Sue Ellson
Jul 12, 2019 by Katherine Everest
Enlightening And Approachable
I attended a Search Engine Optimisation Workshop led by Sue and CAE, and found it tremendously beneficial. Sue went to great effort to personalise learning outcomes for what each attendant wanted to achieve by extending their knowledge on Search Engine Optimisation! I hope to attend another workshop led by Sue, and would recommend her workshops to anyone.
Thank you Katherine, it was a pleasure to have you in the workshop and I hope to hear all about your future success. Sue Ellson
Jun 24, 2019 by Participant Of AMES Working The Australia Way Program
LinkedIn And Networking Workshop
Thank you for connecting, tips and encouraging words today. That was a pleasure to meet you in person.
I am so pleased you could attend the AMES Working The Australia Way Program and I trust that you will continue to be proactive with your job search in the future! Sue Ellson
Jun 23, 2019 by Participant At BITE Conference Frankston
LinkedIn And Google Presentation
Learnt lots thank you for sharing.
So glad to hear that you learnt ‘lots’ at the BITE Conference in Frankston and I trust you can put it to good use! All the best, Sue Ellson
Jun 23, 2019 by Organiser Of BITE Conference Frankston
LinkedIn And Google Presentation
Sorry the session was cut short it was fantastic, would love to have you back next year and early in the day so there is no risk of your session being cut short
It was fantastic to be involved in the BITE Conference in Frankston on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. Sue Ellson
Jun 23, 2019 by Participant Of Centre For Adult Education CAE Course
Create A Simple WordPress Website Course
Hello Sue,
This is just a thank you note for presenting the web construction classes of the last two Fridays.
As I said on Friday, I don’t know how you keep so much deep learning in your brain. The course was intensive and full-on. Although the task ahead is rather daunting, I will certainly continue building a website. The notes you provided should guide me on the way. I do look forward to receiving the remainder of the stuff not already contained in your last email.
I was particularly impressed with your disdain for the you beaut “let-me-do-it-all-for-you” approach of commercial web page builders. Especially valuable, I think, was the stuff about security and freedom from spammers, hackers and unwanted muckers-up.
I do wish you well in all of your endeavours and appreciate very much the service you do to the cause of popular and ultimately democratic use of the web.
Yes, I believe that the internet, and the content you publish on your own website, can provide an opportunity for productive change. I have heard of several previous participants who have completed their own WordPress Website so I encourage you to complete yours too! Sue Ellson
Jun 7, 2019 by Representative From Parliament Of Victoria
Social Media For Community Engagement Workshops
Thank you for delivering the social media workshops over the last few weeks. We appreciate your time, flexibility, and enthusiasm to train our staff.
It was a privilege to be able to serve so many different staff from the various Members of Parliament offices from across Victoria. Understanding their specific needs in relation to social media was very important to ensure that they can share their various messages effectively. I learnt quite a few new things too! All the best, Sue Ellson
Jun 7, 2019 by Participant At Monash University Engineering Alumni Event At Monash Law Chambers
LinkedIn Workshop For Engineering Alumni
Hi Sue, I enjoyed your LinkedIn workshop. Lots of useful tips. Thank you
So pleased that you found the LinkedIn tips useful. All the best, Sue Ellson
May 22, 2019 by MQ Alumni
Macquarie University Alumni Event
I attended tonight’s MQ uni LinkedIn event. I loved your presentation especially about the importance of having your own website and how to effectively use words on LinkedIn to increase searches.
Yes, you are right, your own website is extremely important for creating a digital archive of your content and using keywords on LinkedIn can help attract the right people to your profile! Thanks for joining us and making these great observations! Cheers, Sue Ellson
May 20, 2019 by Year 11 Student At Toorak College Mt Eliza
Networking And LinkedIn Presentation At Toorak College
Hello Sue!
I’m a student at Toorak College and I was really inspired by your talk on Wednesday. I wanted to thank you personally for the motivation you gave me to pursue what I’m after in a career. I feel like I now have the tools to go for it, so thank you very much!
Thank you for letting me know that as a Year 9 student, you now have the motivation to pursue what you are after in your career – that is fabulous news! Yes, there are tools for many activities – finding and applying them is the key. All the best, Sue Ellson
May 20, 2019 by Past Careers Client
Career Services Provided By Sue Ellson
Your help with my CV and LinkedIn was invaluable and helped me to develop my career, finding a job is not easy and can be harsh. Your approach on how to present / market who you are, without losing what makes you unique as a person. Your calls to action, to be practical, to do the work; but always with human perspective, leaves a mark.
Thank you – yes, I agree, it can be challenging to develop a career and find a job. I definitely encourage you to remain unique and present and market your value in ways that attract aligned interest. Yes, it is important to do the work and keep it all human in the process. All the best in the future! Sue Ellson
May 15, 2019 by Toorak College Collegian
Networking And LinkedIn Presentation At Toorak College, Mt Eliza
Sue, it was fabulous to meet with you in your element. Great talk…I giggled with glee often. And I’ve been sitting in front of LinkedIn the past hour. It’s changed a lot since I joined in 2007 (that piece of info, I’ve found). Good luck with the launch. Until next time. Cheers
Yes, I love educating people on all things LinkedIn. Glad you got a few giggles in and I am even more excited that you are updating LinkedIn so quickly – that is the best way to get the most out of the training! All the best, Sue Ellson
May 14, 2019 by Student At University Of Melbourne
Networking For Students And Graduates Presentation
You were at the University of Melbourne last week and you did a great presentation that I really enjoyed.
Thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the presentation and thank you for letting me know! Sue Ellson
Apr 29, 2019 by Client In Hong Kong
LinkedIn And Career Support
Thanks so much for your expert advice today! It’s really an eye-opening session for new LinkedIn user like me, am so grateful to have your guidance. Will definitely continue working on my resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile.
It was wonderful working with you via Skype and helping you prepare for your arrival in Adelaide later this year! Thank you for doing all of your preparatory work before the appointment as we were able to go through so much more in the first two hour session. Enjoy listening to the recording and completing the follow up tasks and I know you will see a great improvement in your LinkedIn statistics and networking in the future! Sue Ellson
Mar 26, 2019 by Catherine Fyans
CAE Course How To Promote Your Website Free Of Charge
Thank you Sue for another great workshop – very informative, inspiring, enjoyable and with great tips and the sharing of abundant resources.
Hello Catherine and thanks for joining me at another class at the Centre for Adult Education (CAE) – this time the ‘How to promote your website free of charge’ course. Was great to have you back and help you learn new ways to promote your important work. Thanks for the review and all the best in the future! Sue Ellson
Mar 10, 2019 by Lisa Price
SEO Workshop City Of Boroondara
Thank you so much for your detailed presentation at last Wednesday’s SEO Workshop. I particularly enjoyed going around the room and viewing everyone’s websites and Google searches and all the information you helped us individually with as we went along. I was inspired to come home and organize my free websites straight away and update my Google Business Page. I am also looking into my website download time with your recommendations. Looking forward to another Workshop with you soon.
Hello Lisa, thanks for attending the Search Engine Optimisation Workshop (SEO) provided by the City of Boroondara in Camberwell. It was great to see you at a second event (after attending the LinkedIn for Business Workshop) and I am so glad to hear that you took action afterwards! As a trainer, that makes my heart sing. I am sure you will be able to do a lot of the work yourself and build your digital asset and online presence effectively! All the best! Sue Ellson
Feb 10, 2019 by Course Participant
Career Development For Over 40’S At Fitzroy Library
Hi Sue, I attended your workshop at Fitzroy Library on Thursday night and just wanted to thank you for your talk. Special thanks for your guidance on setting up a LinkedIn profile which I’ve just had a bash at doing! Thanks again and Best Wishes
I am so pleased to hear that you have taken that first step! Action is the secret to success! Sue Ellson
Feb 10, 2019 by Frederico Panise
Conversation With Founder At Newcomers Network Sue Ellson
Sue Ellson thanks for delivering another excellent conversation, I’m always inspired and learning with your words! Thanks also Muhammad Siddique Host of Growth Hacking Show
Thank you Frederico Panise – and for coaching others with your wisdom! Sue Ellson
Feb 8, 2019 by Course Participant
Career Development For Over 40’S At Fitzroy Library
I’ve been to your event at Fitzroy Library last night, and very enthused about the prospect of returning back to work after your tips. Thank you very much
I am so excited to hear that you now feel confident about returning to work! Well done!! Sue Ellson
Feb 8, 2019 by Course Participant
Career Development For Over 40’S At Fitzroy Library
Dear Sue, It was great to attend your workshop on LinkedIn at Fitzroy Library last night and you have a great sense of humour. Nice to read your poems too. Thanks for your wonderful suggestions.
Thank you very much! I am so pleased to hear that you found the suggestions useful! Sue Ellson
Jan 22, 2019 by Private Client
Search Engine Optimisation For Small Business
Hi Sue
Happy new year to you! : )
Just wanted to shoot you an email to let you know I have had quite a few enquiries from local firms in Hawthorn for business.
And i believe its because i come up well in Hawthorn as a result of the work we did.
Amazing! Im getting a lot more traction here than in Elwood.
I think its also because there is bigger business around here, as opposed to Elwood.
Thanks again!
That is fantastic news – so excited for you and keep up the great work! Sue Ellson
Nov 30, 2018 by Private LinkedIn Client
One-On-One LinkedIn Consultation With Sue Ellson
Thanks so much for your time and the fascinating session LinkedIn training this morning. It was interesting and enjoyable. You are a very good and strategic teacher.
It was great to be able to welcome you back to Melbourne after living overseas for many years and a real pleasure to be able to show you a variety of ways to utilise LinkedIn for your purpose in the future! Sue Ellson
Nov 28, 2018 by Participant
AMES Working The Australia Way Workshop On LinkedIn And Networking On 14/11/18
You have given me lots of tips and insight for job searching in Australia. I believe your lecture was the best for AMES students because I saw they really concentrated on your speech and showed active and positive reactions. We all absolutely enjoyed your lesson! Since your wonderful LinkedIn lecture, I have really focused on being active in LinkedIn and my LinkedIn connections has increased from 50 to 200+ at the moment and kept increasing! And also I have a few plans to make my LinkedIn more informative as well as attractive! =) It’s the time when I realised why and how much LinkedIn was important personally. Again huge thanks to you Sue.
So pleased to hear that you have taken so much positive action since the LinkedIn and Networking Workshop at the AMES Working the Australian Way Program on 14 November 2018. Keep it up and I look forward to hearing even better news in the future! Sue Ellson
Nov 28, 2018 by Dr Shari Walsh
Sue Ellson’s Presentation At National Association Of Graduate Careers Advisory Services Conference In Brisbane, Queensland
Thanks for a really informative session this afternoon Sue.
Thank you Shari – it was so nice to meet you in person and I look forward to catching up with you again in Melbourne next year. Cheers, Sue Ellson
Nov 27, 2018 by Participant
Monash Business School Early Career Researchers Network Conference
Really enjoyed your talk and handy tips about LinkedIn.
I am so pleased that you found the tips handy and I trust that the handout will provide ongoing value in the future! Sue Ellson
Nov 27, 2018 by Peter Niemandt
LinkedIn Assistance
Highly recommend Sue. Her competence, compassion and commitment to helping her clients is not often seen nowadays.
Thank you Peter. It has been great to work with you and the people you have referred to me over the years and I look forward to continuing to provide that support in the future too! Sue Ellson
Nov 26, 2018 by City Of Manningham Employee
LinkedIn Masterclass
Thanks Sue for the presentation – some great insights and tips for everyone in the room.
Thanks for your feedback! My goal is to provide as much relevant and actionable value as possible in the time available! Sue Ellson
Nov 16, 2018 by Participant
Connecting With The Community Masterclass For Parliaments In Australia And Asia-Pacific
Hi Sue, Thanks for a wonderful presentation yesterday. I think everyone in the room got a lot out of it. Some very positive comments from people afterwards.
Thank you! It was such an engaged audience and I really appreciated their willingness to share examples of what had worked well and some specific strategies on how to deal with the challenges of trolls. I look forward to supporting you again in the future. Sue Ellson
Nov 16, 2018 by Participant
Connecting With The Community Masterclass For Parliaments In Australia And Asia-Pacific
Thank you for an interesting an engaging session – lots of information and tips to take on board! The examples of other Parliament’s was also very valuable.
Thank you! It was my pleasure to be able to run the Masterclass for Parliaments across Australia and the Asia Pacific region and it was wonderful to be able to showcase examples of successful strategies (and highlight some potential risks). I look forward to working with Parliaments again in the future! Sue Ellson
Nov 13, 2018 by Wayne Gill
LinkedIn Content
I always appreciate your insightful, fact-based approach to what you put out there. Thank you for sharing. I learn something every time I read your content!
Thank you Wayne for your feedback. Your post on reciprocity was a good reminder for people and sharing information on ‘engagement ratios’ is my small way of adding value in this case. I appreciate the acknowledgement! Sue Ellson
Oct 26, 2018 by Caroline Milburn
Educate Plus Professional Development LinkedIn Workshop
Thank you Sue Ellson for an impressive, independent, in-depth analysis of how schools can improve their alumni reach. And thanks for your encouraging words about Ourschool – helping state secondary schools build thriving alumni communities.
Thank you Caroline. It was wonderful to be able to provide useful information and resources on the topic of LinkedIn to members of Educate Plus at the Professional Development Workshop for the Victorian and Tasmanian region on 16/10/18 at Carey Baptist Grammar School in Melbourne (details at So exciting to hear about your work with public secondary schools and I wish you every success in building the alumni relationships with those schools in the future! Sue Ellson
Oct 7, 2018 by JP
Create A Simple WordPress Website Course At The Centre For Adult Education (CAE)
Hi Sue, I wanted to thank you again for all your patience in answering so many of our ‘noobe’ questions during our recent course and to offer you some feedback. I found out that the settings I thought I’d changed at Crazy Domains hadn’t taken hold and I had to do them again. Once I did, I had a site. I have done some serious tinkering and in just one afternoon, I have managed to come up with my very own site. It’s very basic and has no bells and whistles but I don’t need those things. I’m rather delighted that with no notes, I managed ot figure out how to 1) Associate a URL with a picture, 2) How to get the picture to come up in the sidebar even though the jetpack facebook link didn’t work at all 3) How to add a WP Form to my Contact Page 4) How to add options to that WP Form without having to start over. I’m really feeling happy with my self and have thought of a few more things I’d like to add to perhaps a second site. I guess once you successfully complete one site, you feel really empowered to steam ahead and do another! At first I was glued to my notes but having completed the process, I feel really strong and empowered. Thank you again for your help and all those blessed notes. I couldn’t have done without them! Regards JP
Hello JP – firstly, well done! What a fantastic achievement! It seems that all of your preliminary work over the years talking with various web designers helped you collect the right content and then after some specific tuition, it gave you the ability to publish it all yourself! I agree, that it is empowering and I look forward to hearing not just about your own enterprise website, but your own personal website being published in the future. Congratulations once again! Sue Ellson
Aug 31, 2018 by Fred Panise
Webinar: Hyper Local Marketing For Small Businesses And Freelancers
Thanks Sue for the excellent webinar, you really know how to deliver a really good presentation! The content was the best. I learned a lot and thanks again!
Thanks for your review Fred, so glad that you found the webinar on Hyper Local Marketing for Small Businesses and Freelancers informative! Not only do I enjoy learning, I also enjoy sharing that learning with others! Sue Ellson
Aug 30, 2018 by Anonymous
Hyper Local Marketing Webinar
Everything about Sue Ellson’s presentation was an object lesson in how a webinar should be done. Vic Gov should consider contracting her to provide lessons to everybody else who presented webinars in the Small Business Festival – even David Koch’s people!
Hello and thank you for your review of the Victorian Government Small Business Festival – Hyper Local Marketing Webinar. This presentation is now online at and everyone else can listen to it there too! Sue Ellson
Aug 9, 2018 by Alex Norton
LinkedIn Enlightenment At Educate Plus Event In Sydney
I attended one of Sue’s informative presentations through Educate Plus. Her wealth of knowledge and generous sharing of tips and tricks meant that I didn’t have to raise my hand to ask any embarrassingly dumb questions – she covered it all! Thanks, Sue.
Hi Alex, thanks so much for your review – and please remember, there are never any dumb questions – but I am pleased to know that I answered all of your questions in the presentation! Sue Ellson
Aug 9, 2018 by Charlene
Small Business Festival LinkedIn For Business Consultants And Freelancers
Thank you Sue for your presentation and sharing of your knowledge!!! I am now better equipped to set up and work with Linkedln!!! Great learning experience.
Thank you Charlene for joining us at the Small Business Festival LinkedIn for Business Consultants and Freelancers workshop at Hub Australia – so pleased to hear that you found the presentation informative – trust you can make some changes to your LinkedIn Profile and Activity in the future! Sue Ellson
Jun 29, 2018 by RK
LinkedIn For Local Business Workshop On 26 June 2018
Whoo….hooo…My profile is now working…. lots of recruiters calling me now…..yay…. thanks heaps Sue…you are a gem…. have a lovely weekend..
Thanks RK, so nice to hear that it happened so quickly for you – thank you for letting me know! Sue Ellson
Jun 10, 2018 by Prasanna Chikkaraddi
Newcomers Network Living, Working And Networking In Melbourne Event
I attended The Newcomers Network event in Melbourne, three weeks ago organized by Sue Ellson. It was a very good learning experience. She suggested minor tweaks and wonderful insights with Linkedin profiles and the way we communicate. I found the session to be wonderful and would definitely recommend it to others. Thank you very much Sue for organizing this wonderful event.
Thank you Prasanna for joining the Living, Working and Networking in Melbourne event recently. It was great to have you join the group and I wish you every success in the future! Sue Ellson
Jun 7, 2018 by Leah Peacock
Maximising Your LinkedIn Profile With Sue Ellson At Mindshop Conference 2018
Sue presented an excellent, fast paced session loaded with tips to maximise our LinkedIn Profiles at Mindshop’s 2018 conference recently. I took away many take aways to improve our likelihood of attracting the right customers for our business. This was a professional and well presented session, one of the highlights of the conference.
Thank you Leah for providing your feedback on my presentation at Mindshop’s Conference on the Gold Coast on 24 May 2018, I really enjoyed presenting to such an enterprising group of business advisors and I am also pleased to hear that you felt it was a highlight of the conference! Sue Ellson
May 16, 2018 by Matt Gange
Social Media For Small Business – Do We Really Need It? @ BizHub Maroondah
Just what the biz needed – Went to a 3 hour workshop with Sue. Really helped figure out where to focus my efforts for the best results for my business. Thanks again Sue!
Hi Matt, so pleased to hear that the workshop was helpful to you and allowed you clarify your next steps! Thanks for your feedback! Sue Ellson
May 15, 2018 by Christine R
Centre For Adult Education CAE – Understanding The Basics Of Social Media Course
I recently attended this course conducted by Sue. She is certainly one tech-savy lady. I learnt a lot from her in this course. She answered every question posed to her. She spoke clearly, professionally and she is very relatable. I certainly recommend her as a teacher.
Thank you Christine – it was great to have you in the group – and thanks for sharing your feedback! Sue Ellson
May 9, 2018 by Kellie Floyd
LinkedIn For Small Business And Freelancers
This workshop was an eye opener to the little things that can make a huge difference to the success of your LinkedIn profile. Sue understood the large variety of backgrounds each of the participants came from and catered each section of the workshop to individual needs. I would like to attend her other workshops and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her for other small businesses wanting a deeper understanding!
Thanks Kellie, was great to have you in the workshop and thanks for your informative feedback! Yes, real life training provides something so much more than a pre-recorded video – thanks for joining us! Sue Ellson
Mar 30, 2018 by Felicity Gallagher
Centre For Adult Education, Social Media Strategy For Business
Thanks for such an enlightening day Sue. You opened my eyes to all corners of social media and it’s uses I had not even thought about. You were very generous with your advice, tips, knowledge and information. I particularly loved how you were able to personalise the day to meet each of the learner’s needs. I feel very well equipped with ideas and options on how to optimise the use of social media for work after taking a break from the workforce for a while. You have also inspired me to set myself up and go it alone, offering so many ideas and options which are available and I had no idea about. Such a valuable day for me. Thank you!
Thank you Felicity for your feedback – was a pleasure to have you in the class and I am so glad that you were able to learn a variety of ways to move forward in the future! Sue Ellson
Mar 19, 2018 by Sylvie Murray
Centre For Adult Education CAE Social Media Strategy For Business Course
Thank you Sue for providing so much information on a topic that I had many questions that needed answering! The booklet provided and the format of the course was engaging and extremely informative. The course was quite fluid and you made it relevant to the participants there. I feel much better informed on a subject that is very important for my small business. Thank you again.
Thank you Sylvie, was a pleasure to have you in the group and thank you for sharing stories from your professional career as well. I look forward to seeing you at the CAE again in the future! Sue Ellson
Mar 19, 2018 by Kathryn
Centre For Adult Education CAE Social Media Strategy For Business Course
Thanks so much for your engaging presentation, knowledge, caring, stories and humour! You have a great presenting style, and an easy way to get participation, interaction and energy from within the group. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and have gone home with more questions than answers but with a renewed vigour and energy to follow my dreams! The reference material you provide is also awesome as can refer to it forever!
Hi Kathryn – it was great to have you in a second course at the Centre for Adult Education (CAE) and I am so pleased to hear that you now have a range of strategies that you can consider for your start-up business here in Australia. All the very best and I look forward to seeing your product all over Melbourne by Summer! Sue Ellson
Mar 13, 2018 by K
Newcomer Job Search Coaching
Sue was fully engaged in my situation and full of tips and thoughtful questions for me to think about. She was able to offer years of experience to my situations.
Thank you K, it was a pleasure to work with you and review your ‘homework’ after each session – I certainly wish you well in the future! Sue Ellson
Mar 3, 2018 by Eve Mahlab
Centre For Adult Education CAE Introduction To Social Media Course
A very worthwhile course. Sue is well informed and has an entrepreneurial and practical approach to using social media.
Thank you for your feedback Eve on the Understanding the Basics of Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn course at the Centre for Adult Education (CAE) held recently. It was a pleasure to have you in the class and to answer your questions! Sue Ellson
Feb 19, 2018 by Bradley Saul
Piano Tuners And Technicians Guild Of Victoria PTTGV Professional Development
Dear Sue, On behalf of the Guild, we extended our sincere gratitude and thanks for your efforts at our recent seminar. It was absolutely wonderful and we really enjoyed your presentation. Yours sincerely, Bradley Saul, President, Piano Tuners and Technicians Guild of Victoria
Thank you Bradley – it was a great group of piano tuners and technicians who were willing to learn – I enjoyed it too! Thanks for the review. Sue Ellson
Jan 18, 2018 by CS
Centre For Adult Education CAE Create A Simple WordPress Website Course
I recently undertook WordPress training with Sue Ellson at the CAE in Melbourne. She provided a wealth of information in the course.
Thanks CS – was great to have you and your partner in the course and I hope you publish heaps of great information in the future! Sue Ellson
Dec 27, 2017 by Josephine
Centre For Adult Education CAE Social Media Strategy For Business Course
This course provides a broad overview of where to start with Social Media depending on your target audience and the different platforms available. Sue breaks down how to use Social Media effectively for your business, makes the whole concept of Social Media less overwhelming and demonstrates that if used properly can make the difference to your business.
Thanks Josephine for your review of the Centre for Adult Education (CAE) Social Media for Business Course – was great to have you there and I trust you will be able to implement the learnings in your business! Sue Ellson
Dec 1, 2017 by Monika Greich
Centre For Adult Education CAE Create A Simple WordPress Website Course
Thanks Sue for an interesting and informative wordpress training session. Kept me interested all day. Lot’s to learn and do! Look forward to next week’s installment, and beyond. Cheers Monika Greich
Thanks for your feedback Monika – so great to have someone so motivated and willing to learn in the class and I have no doubt you will have your ‘homework’ completed before the next session! Sue Ellson
Nov 17, 2017 by Kim Duong
Working The Australian Way Workshop For AMES
You have delivered the terrific presentation about LinkedIn and Networking, showing your amazing knowledges and experiences on this topic. It’s an amazing strategy. I’m so lucky to participate your training session and talked to you. Thank you very much for your sharing.
Thank you Kim, it was a pleasure to have you in the group and see so many people engaging and smiling and then networking with others straight afterwards! Sue Ellson
Oct 28, 2017 by Mary Unwin
LinkedIn Workshop On Demand For City Of Boroondara
Thanks Sue Ellson for your professional approach and a lively useful presentation on LinkedIn, loved the depth of knowledge, the way you interact with your audience so easily and your own stories of LinkedIn stuff ups and successes. GOLD!
Thank you Mary for joining the LinkedIn workshop at iTandCoffee recently – you asked some great questions and also shared your own useful insights with the other participants – and thanks for the review too! Sue Ellson
Oct 12, 2017 by Deng Bul
Federation Of Ethnic Communities Council Of Australia FECCA Digital Competency For Careers And Business In Australia Conference Presentation
I attended Sue’s presentation about digital competency for careers and business in Australia at FECCA2017 conferency in Darwin. Her presentation on the topic was not only inspiring but a reckoning moment for me. It gave hope and tools to navigate the increasingly changing world through connections, people networking and above all knowing that there is something in everything. I also won a book and I am reading creatively!!!
Thank you Deng for your feedback – was great to see your smiling face and to see you adopt such a proactive approach after joining the session! Happy reading!! Cheers, Sue Ellson
Oct 5, 2017 by Elaine
LinkedIn Workshop On Demand For City Of Boroondara
I recently attended Sue’s LinkedIn training session in Melbourne’s East. I was very impressed with her knowledge and the tips she gave were very easy to follow and very useful. Highly recommend her LinkedIn training sessions.
Thank you for joining us Elaine and well done on your recent finalist nomination – best wishes for a win! Cheers, Sue Ellson
Oct 4, 2017 by Gil Hotchkiss
LinkedIn Workshop On Demand For City Of Boroondara
Sue was fantastic in her simple but effective style training to make a complicated subject entertaining and fun to learn. Awesome Workshop!
Thank you Gil – was great to have you in the workshop and see you so engaged throughout the evening – thanks for joining the group and thanks again to the City of Boroondara and iTandCoffee for making the event possible! Cheers, Sue Ellson
Sep 29, 2017 by Barrie
Centre For Adult Education CAE Create A Simple WordPress Website Course
Sue is a high energy, clear and informative presenter.
Great session with lots of extremely helpful hints and tales of her experiences.
Definitely back for session 2!
Thanks Barrie – great to have you in the group – and with your wealth of experience, I appreciate your feedback immensely! See you next Thursday. Cheers, Sue Ellson
Sep 28, 2017 by Sally Dobson
Centre For Adult Education CAE Create A Simple WordPress Website Course
Attended one of Sue’s workshops today. Very informative, Sue goes above and beyond what I expected. She is terrific
Thank you very much Sally – it was a pleasure to have you in the class and you had some really insightful questions! See you again next week! Cheers, Sue Ellson
Sep 11, 2017 by Gary Johnson
LinkedIn Workshop On Demand For City Of Boroondara
I recently attended one of Sue’s LinkedIn workshops at Bendigo Bank Kew East. It was an excellent summary of useful tips on how to use LinkedIn effectively. I liked how Sue got to know her audience and kept her information relevant to the people in the room. Thanks Sue
Thanks Gary – I really appreciate your feedback! It was great to have you as a part of the group and thanks for your questions too! Sue Ellson
Sep 11, 2017 by Jade
LinkedIn Workshop On Demand For City Of Boroondara
Kew For You and other small businesses, clubs and community groups were lucky enough to have Sue come and run a workshop on the 10 best ways to use LinkedIn for your business in Boroondara and beyond. Such a valuable two hour session. Definitely recommend for all small businesses!
Thank you Jade for joining us! Yes, it was a really great group who got involved and shared lots of great ideas about how they use LinkedIn for their businesses at the Bendigo Bank in Kew East last Thursday. Keep up the great work! Sue Ellson
Aug 30, 2017 by Justin
Small Business Festival LinkedIn Business Brand Booster Blueprint Event
I recently attended a LinkedIn presentation through the Small Business Festival. I found Sue’s presentation insightful and took away a lot of useful information. I now utilise LinkedIn as a legitimate networking and business tool to market my capabilities and services. I appreciated the helpful hints and will look to further improve my information after attending the presentation. I look forward to attending the advanced presentation later in the year. Thanks Sue.
Thanks Justin, great to have you at the LinkedIn Business Brand Booster Blueprint event, even better to hear that you are now taking action and I look forward to seeing you at the Masterclass soon! Cheers, Sue Ellson
Aug 30, 2017 by Deb Benkemoun
RMIT Training LinkedIn Masterclass For Professionals
Dear Sue,
Thank you for the very informative session I attended last week at RMIT. Prior to attending, I was contemplating removing my site, as I was not aware of the benefits I could gain for my business if I put in a little effort. Need to find that perfect photo!
Kind regards,
Deb Benkemoun
Thanks Deb for your feedback – so glad that you did not delete your LinkedIn Profile before the event at RMIT University! So many benefits from having a LinkedIn Profile, especially if you can align it with your purpose! All the best with finding or creating your photo! Sue Ellson
Aug 21, 2017 by J
LinkedIn Training
Thanks Sue for your time today. Your knowledge on Linkedin and how to maximise results was fantastic. Will be in touch down the track for some more insight. Kind Regards, J
Thanks J, it was a pleasure working with you and providing direct insights for your profile and for your two companies’ profiles. You are a quick learner and I look forward to hearing about your results in the near future! Sue Ellson
Jul 28, 2017 by Anonymous
How To Promote Your Website Free Of Charge
I attended Sue Ellson’s Promote Your Website course at the CAE. I loved it! Sue is a vibrant, enthusiastic and genuinely interested tutor. Her ability to target information directly in line with the needs of the individual learner cannot be understated. All participants were very pleased with the content and the fact that it was delivered in a way that was relevant to their own online ventures, business or otherwise. It’s great to be working with a totally authentic individual who really knows her stuff, has loads of practical experience and is up to date with recent trends. I’m super keen to do more courses with Sue in the near future. Thanks again. It was just great.
Thanks for joining us – it was great to have you in the class and hear about your online adventures! Sue Ellson
Jul 16, 2017 by Anonymous
Fitzroy Library Career Development For Over 40’S
Dear Sue
Thank you so much for your inspiring workshop.
The two most important things I learnt from your talk is to maintain a positive attitude and that it’s all about being the ‘right fit’ for a company and a position. It’s okay if you don’t get the job. It just means you may be the ‘wrong fit’ for that particular company or position.
Of course, I learnt so many other things too. I am so looking forward to working through the wonderful materials you have generously sent to us all. Hope to see you again out there in the big wide world. Thank you so much.
PS I laughed when you mentioned…I’ve only started looking for a new job….but after your talk yesterday, a job I am really excited about popped up when I googled a particular company I’d like to work for. I have a two weeks to prepare myself ( before the deadline)…I feel very positive after your talk and will look forward to putting an application together for it. Thank you so much.
Thank you for this very detailed feedback on the Fitzroy Library Career Development for Over 40’s presentation. I am so glad you found it inspirational and I hope it helps you decide what actions to take in the future for your career. I trust your preparations over the next two weeks go well and all the best in the future! Sue Ellson
May 30, 2017 by Claire Collins
How To Promote Your Business Free Of Charge
I have met a lot of people through operating a business for nearly 20 years and Sue is a very intelligent and insightful person – a wise owl (you’ll notice I didn’t put old in there Sue!!). After a three minute synopsis of each individual’s business or requirements, Sue gave extremely targeted advice across a broad cross section of fields. I will certainly enrol in other courses that Sue intends to take. I would highly recommend her service.
Thank you Claire! It was great to have you in the class ‘How to Promote Your Website Free of Charge’ at the Centre for Adult Education (CAE). I am sure that your enterprise will continue to grow and develop in the future – you have a wealth of experience and knowledge that will guide your decision making process! Cheers, Sue Ellson
May 2, 2017 by Graeme Parker
Sue Ellson’s Books
I recommend Sue’s books. There is so much valuable information in them that you can’t get anywhere else. Graeme Parker Business Trainer at Boot Camp Partners
Thanks Graeme – so pleased to hear that you found the books so valuable! Cheers, Sue Ellson
Nov 22, 2016 by Steffie Wallace
How To Promote Your Website Free Of Charge At The Centre For Adult Education CAE
Dear Sue,
I’m sorry this is a bit late, but I wanted to tell you how pleased I was with your course, ‘How to Promote your Website Free of Charge’.
I cannot recently recall another short course which offered so much information and helpful suggestions in the space of a few hours. I found the information invaluable as a resource and I am still processing the content and references in your notes which you generously supplied.
Thank you for providing me with a very helpful, useful and well-researched set of notes, backed up by a stimulating and interesting commentary!
Kind regards,
Thank you Steffie, it was a pleasure to have you in the class. Thank you for your great clarifying questions and I saw you write a lot of notes – well done! Sue Ellson
Apr 8, 2015 by Ali
Adult Multicultural Education Services AMES LinkedIn For Migrant Mentors
It was a brilliant and exclusive professional experience. It really changed my concept and opinion after many years using of Linkedin. Thank you Sue !
Thanks for your feedback – it was great to be able to share tips that are especially useful for migrants! Sue Ellson
Feb 9, 2015 by Suzanne Dunlop
Business Essentials Getting Maximum Value From LinkedIn
A very clear articulation about LinkedIn and the benefits that can be achieved by loading your profile carefully and the daily 15 minutes of your time to check LinkedIn. LinkedIn has been a most worthwhile investment in my time to reap the benefits of business and personal growth in the technological age.
Thanks Suzanne, I appreciate your feedback! Sue Ellson
Oct 6, 2014 by Judy O’Donohue
Very helpful thanks Sue. Wasn’t around to participate in the webinar but at least I was able to listen to the audio. A bit hard without visuals! Thanks again. You will notice probably that I have looked at your profile quite a bit today! Judy
Thanks for your feedback Judy! The questions I answered in the webinar are listed on the page (that should give you some clues)…and if you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me via email! Sue Ellson
Sep 18, 2014 by Neil Webster
Alcoa Yennora – LinkedIn For Alcoans
Thanks very much for your presentation around LinkedIn at Alcoa Yennora 2 weeks ago – The presentation and your knowledge of LinkedIn and the process of Job Recruitment was certainly an eye opener for a lot of people especially those that have not been in the Job Market for many years – Things have certainly changed.
Your information and advise will certainly help both myself and my fellow workers in their search for new employment.
Thanks Neil for your feedback. Yes, the job market has definitely changed, especially now that up to 90% of jobs are never advertised. Best wishes with your job search. Sue Ellson
Sep 14, 2014 by Dorothy Pearce
Career Development Association Of Australia Introduction To LinkedIn For You And Your Career-Seeking Clients
Hi Sue
Just reiterating the previous comments on your presentation. Your presentation was enlightening and informative. I look forward to attending your Master Class at the next CDAA workshop.
Dorothy Pearce
Thanks Dorothy – I am looking forward to running the Master Class for the CDAA too! Sue Ellson
Sep 4, 2014 by Lynn Mason
Educate Plus Biennial International Conference
I enjoyed everything about the presentation. Thank you!
Thanks Lynn, glad you enjoyed it and feel free to ask any questions at any time! Sue Ellson
Sep 2, 2014 by Melania Guzman
Career Development Association Of Australia Introduction To LinkedIn For You And Your Career-Seeking Clients
Thanks for an informative session.
Thanks for your feedback Melania. Sue Ellson