Sue Ellson About Me
LinkedIn, Careers, Business, Hyper Local Marketing, Gigsters
Details here include
- media kit
- brief and full length biography – for presentations
- high resolution photo links – for publishing
- professional experience – a summary
- pro bono and general voluntary experience – always contributing
- education and training – lifelong learner
- awards – gratefully received
- current and past memberships – to keep me up to date
- contributor and online profiles – by date
- why am I here? – a narrative
Media Kit
Three page PDF Media Kit for Sue Ellson here and links to high resolution images below.
Brief Sue Ellson Biography
Sue Ellson is an Independent LinkedIn Specialist, author, educator, practitioner and consultant. She is also a gigster, a person who uses technology to attract aligned gigs and former banker. Sue provides teaching, training, speaking and consulting services to individuals, small, medium and large businesses, corporates, schools, universities, associations and government in Australia and overseas. She is the author of five non-fiction books on the topics of LinkedIn, Careers, Business, Hyper Local Marketing and Gigsters and her next two books will be poetry books. Since completing her university studies, she has been attending up to four events every week to keep herself up to date. Sue is also the Founder of Newcomers Network. After hours, Sue enjoys catching up with family and friends, walking and dancing.
[125 Words]
There is a medium length biography on the home page.
Detailed Sue Ellson Biography
Sue Ellson is an Independent LinkedIn Specialist, author, educator, career development practitioner, consultant, founder, gigster, trainer, speaker, professional learner and poet.
Sue was born in Adelaide, South Australia and moved to Melbourne in Victoria, Australia in 1994 and often mentions ‘she hasn’t had a real job since.’
Sue has completed a Bachelor of Business in Administrative Management from the University of South Australia (2000), is a Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society (since 1998), a Member of the Melbourne Press Club (since 2008), a Member of the Career Development Association of Australia CDAA (Associate since 2015, Professional since 2018), a Member of the Australian Society of Authors ASA (since 2015), a Member of Writers Victoria (since 2018), and a Member of Educate Plus (since 2022). She has been a long term member of the Institute of Manager and Leaders (2001 – 2022) and the Australian Human Resources Institute (2005 – 2021). Since completing her university studies, she has been attending up to four events every week to keep herself up to date.
Sue has a varied range of professional experience in banking, training, recruitment, career development, human resources, marketing, networking, online publishing, social media and business. She has an extensive array of voluntary experience as well including taking scouts out sailing on Sydney Harbour for two weeks and being the only skipper who did not capsize a boat!
Sue’s first social enterprise, Newcomers Network was founded in 1999 and her first website went live in 2001. Newcomers Network and Sue’s close circle of local and international friends have helped her understand the needs of people from many different backgrounds.
Sue joined LinkedIn on 21 December 2003 (member number 77,832). Sue has been consulting, training, speaking, writing and advising on the topic of LinkedIn since 2008 and is a recognised international LinkedIn expert.
In 2012, she founded Camberwell Network and hosted monthly networking events until 2022. Her own website was launched in 2012 and in 2014, she created 120 Ways Publishing.
In 2016, she authored and independently published three 80,000 word books ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn‘ which was launched on 23 February 2016, ‘120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business‘ launched on 24 May 2016 and ‘120 Ways To Market Your Business Hyper Locally‘ launched on 23 August 2016.
In 2019, she wrote and published the 45,000 word book ‘Gigsters – Any Age or Ability Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs‘ which was launched on 17 May 2019 at The Wheeler Centre in Melbourne and in July 2019, it was announced as a finalist in The Australian Career Book Award. ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘ was launched online on 23 January 2023. Her next two books are ‘Poems for lovers to read to each other’ and ‘Poems for me to truly be.’
More information about Sue is online at LinkedIn connections welcome at
Google reviews are very welcome
[478 Words]
More information below in the ‘Why am I here?’ section
High Resolution Photos

Sue Ellson 3 September 2024
Sue Ellson Full Resolution Transparent Background
2316 x 3088 pixels 5MB PNG File
Sue Ellson Full Resolution Original Background
2316 x 3088 pixels 1.78MB JPG File
Picture opposite is 300 x 400 pixels

Sue Ellson 13 September 2022
Sue Ellson at Laptop Full Resolution
2.83 MB 4032 x 3024 pixels
Picture opposite is 400 x 300 pixels
Professional Experience
February 2001 – present, teaching, training, speaking, consulting and writing based in Melbourne but travelling intrastate and interstate in Australia and working internationally online
March 1994 – January 2001, Various Consulting in Melbourne – recruitment, marketing, training, community radio, corporate and not for profit organisations
December 1982 – February 1994, Westpac Banking Corporation, Adelaide
1982 Started work at Westpac in Adelaide until 1994
1987 Started acquiring digital skills and training people
1994 Moved to Melbourne from Adelaide
1994 Started consulting – careers, business, marketing, training (still completing)
2001 Founder and first website online
2001 Member of the Australian Institute of Management (now Institute of Managers and Leaders) until 2022
2003 Joined LinkedIn member number 77,832
2005 Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute until 2021
2008 Independent LinkedIn Specialist and Member of Melbourne Press Club
2012 Founder until 2022 and
2014 Teaching at the Centre for Adult Education and created 120 Ways Publishing
2015 Associate Member of Career Development Association of Australia CDAA and Member of Australian Society of Authors
2016 Wrote and published three 80,000 word books –
120 Ways to Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn
120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business
120 Ways to Market Your Business Hyper Locally
2018 Professional Member of CDAA, Quora Top Writer, Top 10 LinkedIn Expert in the Asia Pacific Region, Member of Writers Victoria
2019 Wrote and Published 45,000 word book ‘Gigsters – Any Age or Ability Employees, Experts and Entrepreneurs‘ – finalist in The Australian Career Book Award, member of the Small Press Network until 2024, Top 10 LinkedIn Expert in the Asia Pacific Region
2020 Released ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business’ online edition
2021 Teaching for the Social Media College at the Australian Institute of Management
2022 International List of LinkedIn Experts
2023 Launched print edition of ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘ finalist in the Australian Career Book Award
2024 First Member of Australian Women Speakers and equal 6th in the world of LinkedIn Specialists in AI Chat Results
See more detailed information on and via the Awards below.
Pro Bono and General Voluntary Experience
1991 – 1992 Committee Member, Westbourne Park Netball Club
1991 – 1992 Fundraising Committee and Assistant Treasurer South Australian United Church Netball Association
1991 – 1993 Photographer Mitchell Park Football Club and Morphettville Park Football Club
1992 – 1993 Inaugural Secretary/Treasurer & Westpac Representative Australian Institute of Bankers South Australian Young Banker’s Committee
1998 – 1998 Fundraising Committee Member, Templestowe Heights Pre School
1999 – 1999 Committee Member University of South Australia, Administrative Management Student and Staff Course
2001 – 2002 Committee Member, Cultural Tourism Industry Group
2001 – 2002 Promotions Executive and Deputy Chair, International Business Group Australian Institute of Management
2001 – 2002 Promotions Officer and President Templestowe Valley Pre School
2003 – 2007 Committee Member Victorian Community Committee for Harmony
2003 – 2009 Media, Communications and Committee Member Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition (VIRWC)
2004 – 2011 Parent Helper Scouts Australia (including two Jamborees and one Cuboree)
2007 – 2015 Convenor, International Human Resources Network Victoria Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI)
2009 – 2012 Committee Member, Friends of Music Parent Helper Camberwell High School
2011 – 2012 Committee Member, Friends of Music Parent Helper Blackburn High School
2011 – 2014 Adviser and Facilitator, Camberwell Traders Association
2012 – 2022 Founder and Director, Camberwell Network
2013 – 2014 Consultant to the Media Team St Paul’s Anglican Church Canterbury
2013 – 2018 Foster Carer RSPCA Victoria and Forever Friends and currently providing occasional Pet Care
2014 – 2015 Councillor Victorian State Council Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI)
2001 – present Free Presentations, Training, Publications, Events for various organisations and social enterprises and Newcomers Network
Education and Training
Bachelor of Business in Administrative Management, University of South Australia (1993-2000) – top 15% of undergraduates
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (2008)
Have been attending up to four online and offline events per week since 2001
Estimate that I have attended over 700 courses, seminars and events since 1982
Have been hosting up to 100 courses, seminars, workshops and events for the public and clients every year since 2001
Subscriber to multiple email newsletters, membership association updates and news publications
Social media scroller
YouTube Premium Member (and watcher!)
11/10/2024 – Equal Sixth LinkedIn Specialist in International AI Chat Results by John Espirian
01/06/2023 – Finalist in The Australian Career Book Award for LinkedIn for me and my career or business
05/07/2022 – Australia and New Zealand LinkedIn Experts List by Wildfire Social Marketing
05/10/2021 – Google Local Guides Connect (Google Maps) Top Photographer – 5,000,000+ Views
13/03/2020 – Australian Human Resources Institute Hall of Fame
09/12/2019 – Top LinkedIn Experts in the Asia Pacific Region (10th), Social Media Marketing Institute (SMMI)
26/10/2019 – The Australian Career Book Award Significant Service Convenor Citation
01/07/2019 – Finalist in The Australian Career Book Award for Gigsters
05/12/2018 – Top LinkedIn Experts in the Asia Pacific Region (Equal 10th), Social Media Marketing Institute (SMMI)
27/10/2018 – Judge for The Australian Career Book Award, supported by the RSA ANZ Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Australia and New Zealand
25/04/2018 – Top Writer,
01/02/2016 – World LinkedIn Trainers List 2016, Pedro Caramez
25/11/2016 – Highly Commended in the Mentor Category, Go Digi National Awards
19/08/2014 – AHRI Medal For Services to the HR Profession, Australian Human Resources Institute
13/02/2013 – One of the top 1% of most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012, LinkedIn
11/12/2009 – Thank You for Your Valuable Support, Victorian Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Coalition (VIRWC)
20/01/006 – Harmony Day Ambassador, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (now Home Affairs)
Current Memberships
2022 – present Educate Plus (EdPlus)
2018 – present Writers Victoria (WV)
2015 – present Australian Society of Authors (ASA)
2015 – present Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA)
2008 – present Melbourne Press Club (MPC)
1998 – present Golden Key International Honour Society (GK) (top 15% of undergraduates)
Past Memberships
2024 – 2025 Australian Women Speakers AWS
2020 – 2021 ArtsHub AH
2005 – 2021 Australian Human Resources Institute AHRI
2009 – 2017 Brazilian Association for Social Development and Integration in Australia ABRISA
2019 – 2020 Families in Global Transition FIGT
2001 – 2022 Institute of Managers and Leaders IML (previously Australian Institute of Management AIM)
2001 – 2023 Migrant Information Centre Eastern Melbourne (MICE)
2007 – 2010 Mordialloc Sailing Club MSC
2011 – 2013 Real Estate Institute of Victoria REIV
2007 – 2010 Sailing Australia SA (previously Yachting Australia YA)
2019 – 2024 Small Press Network (SPN) (until it ceased operating but will be re-established as ‘Independent Publishers‘)
2003 – 2013 The Employee Mobility Institute TEMI (previously The Relocation Network)
2006 – 2010 Victorian Community Committee for Harmony affiliated with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Diverse Australia Program previously known as Living in Harmony
2004 – 2017 Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition VIRWC
2019 – 2020 World Writers Collective WWC
2005 – 2010 Writers’ Victoria WV (previously Victorian Writers’ Centre and rejoined 2018)
Contributor Profiles
Business Essentials since 01/02/2015
Daily Mail Australia since 05/06/2018
Educate Plus since 04/09/2014
Her Business previously Australian Business Women’s Network since 07/02/2015
Inside Small Business since 22/10/2024
Internet Archive since 30/06/2021
Internet Retailing since 18/02/2025
LinkedIn since 07/04/2014
Medium since 29/12/2015
Open Forum since 20/03/2009
Orcid since 30/10/2017
Quora since 25/01/2017
ResearchGate since 04/06/2019
Substack since 13/03/2025
Thought Catalog since 21/04/2021
Tiny Buddha since 01/05/2014
The Conversation since 02/05/2017
Online Profiles
Australian Society of Authors since 16/07/2015
Career Development Association of Australia since 22/06/2015 (Associate) 15/06/2018 (Professional)
Clubhouse since 11/01/2021
Educate Plus since 07/12/2022
Facebook since 07/11/2007
Guruface since 01/11/2016
Instagram since 01/04/2015
LinkedIn since 21/12/2003
Love Local Life since 16/04/2021
Meetup since 10/11/2013
Muck Rack since 31/12/2018
Pinterest since 12/02/2015
Quora since 25/01/2017
Reddit since 12/12/2016
Sessionize since 23/10/2024
Slideshare since 07/12/2012
SnapChat since 02/04/2017
TikTok since 30/04/2020
Twitter / X since 25/09/2008
Wikipedia Contributor since 18/01/2013
YouTube Channel since 30/12/2008
YouTube Handle since 02/11/2022
Why am I here?
Yes, I know that is a little bit of an existentialist question, but I would like to think that one of the missions I have for my time on earth is to help people connect with one another and this has been a common theme throughout all of my endeavours.
I am the eldest of four children and 27 grandchildren. I remember ‘co-parenting’ my younger siblings and after marrying at 20, taking on full adult responsibility very early on in life. I spent my 20’s reading copious books on personal development and when my children arrived at 29 and 32, switched over to attending courses, events and workshops every week. I haven’t stopped since.
I started my professional career at Westpac Banking Corporation in Adelaide six days after my last year 12 secondary school exam, I worked full time and studied part time after business hours – a Business Certificate in Banking through TAFE SA that I stopped after eight subjects. I continued learning via a garment and pattern construction course before I realised I would be better off studying business subjects. I later found a Bachelor of Business in Administrative Management course through the University of South Australia that I started studying part time by correspondence.
When my husband was offered a job in Melbourne, I had to leave my diverse career at Westpac in Adelaide and I secured a job in a recruitment agency in Melbourne. Unfortunately, I was sacked whilst I was pregnant and then I couldn’t find work. It took me six and a half years to stop being angry about that (I actually read a book on Radical Forgiveness and wrote them a letter describing how I felt and asked them to respond by letting me know they had read the letter and when I received their reply, I wasn’t angry any more).
Meanwhile, as soon as our daughter was born, I was back in demand. I thought that was crazy – in demand as a 29 year old breast feeding mother studying part time but probably out of demand by the time I reached 40. I decided I would remain employable forever and I would do that by continuously learning information that could secure work. I continued studying part time, parenting and picking up various gigs here and there. However, I found the transition to life in Melbourne difficult. It was hard to make new friends, even though I spoke English and am a Caucasian fourth generation Australian (hard to believe I know).
The last subject of my degree was a research project. With the permission of UniSA, I surveyed 96 people who had moved to Melbourne in the last five years and found out that they would like either a telephone advice service (tried previously and failed) or a website – so in 2001, I launched my first social enterprise, and ran free monthly events for people who are new to Melbourne for 20 years (and coordinated many others in states around Australia). I surveyed 541 people worldwide with a follow up survey in 2004.
In 2005 at the age of 39, on the advice of my counsellor, my 19 year marriage ended. I look back now and realise that we were actually never compatible, so in some respects, I can reflect on it as an exercise in loyalty and commitment, despite the many challenges I faced. I found being a single parent very difficult. It was hard to reconcile being a mother for four days a week and then not a mother for three days a week. However, I did commit to continuously moving forward and I have developed some excellent long standing platonic friendships with a variety of different people and we enjoy catching up regularly. I have dated infrequently because I find the process frustrating and difficult.
After a short stint in the real estate industry in 2011, I set up my second social enterprise, in 2012 for people who live, work or network in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. After working from a home base for so many years, it was great to meet other local people every month until the end of 2022 when I decided to stop the network and focus on other projects.
In 2016, my 50th year on this planet, I wrote and published three 80,000 word books in nine months! What a whirlwind!! I used up all of my savings, but the process was cathartic. I cleared out my accumulated professional knowledge in three separate books. I decided that my future focus would be as a writer and author as it is an ageless profession, but that I would need to write at least 10 books before I could consider myself to be an author. I am half way there.
For now, I am still consulting, training and writing and I love helping individuals and enterprises achieve their goals. I regularly try new activities – most recently I have been surfing, riding a quad bike, painting and doing some vocal training for the first time in my life. I also walk, occasionally ride my bike (not a cyclist) and dance (5 Rhythms or free form at home)
My next two books will be ‘Poems for lovers to read to each other’ and ‘Poems for me to truly be.’ The first poetry book is designed to get two adults of any gender reading to one another (we read to children but forget to read to each other as adults) and away from screens or ear phones. My hope is that it starts conversations, playful fun and reading of other texts as well. The second poetry book is for all people to reflect on their life and discover ways that they can truly ‘be’ in the world. My maternal grandmother used to always say ‘really and truly’ and how I wish we could all be more real and true on a daily basis.
Like many single women of a certain age with two independent adult children, I do not qualify for a home loan and as a former banker, I see this as age discrimination. Whilst I know that I will never stop working (by choice, not just because of my housing situation), I will always keep living modestly (for personal, environmental and sustainability reasons), saving for a rainy day and contributing to society. I have always completed pro bono and general voluntary work and that won’t stop either. This allows me to live according to my own service values and greater good choices and gives me the freedom and variety I need to live a meaningful and purposeful life of contribution.