Busybird Publishing Open Mic Night 103 Gigsters Book

Busybird Publishing Open Mic Night 103 Gigsters Book By Sue Ellson

Busybird Publishing Open Mic Night 103 Gigsters Book

By Sue Ellson

On Wednesday 21 August 2024, I attended the Busybird Publishing Open Mic Night #103 (my second appearance) and shared part of the story of publishing my books and in particular, the book ‘Gigsters‘ that was published in 2019 and was a Finalist in the Australian Career Book Award.

This poem’s I read out included:

I am more than the sum of my choices
And so much more than I was before
Now is the time for me to reflect on my values
To re-design, co-create and explore

To be self-determining
Or other determined
It is up to you to choose
And if you don’t make the effort
You may find that you just lose

To linger longer
To reflect and review
To measure and assess
To see a different view
To change and adapt
To remember and remind
To succeed a little more
Say thanks and be kind

Busybird Publishing Open Mic Night #103 Gigsters Book by Sue Ellson

Special thanks to Kev Howlett for the use of this Live Video Footage from Facebook and Les Zig for being the Facilitator of the Open Mic Night.

See my previous Open Mic Night #102 here.

Shared on Busybird Publishing Facebook Live at 00:46:50 Archive.org, Presentations Page, Publications Page, Re-Published Poems Page, Facebook Page, Facebook Profile, GoogleLinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Page, Twitter / X YouTube

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