Sue Ellson Poet, Poems and Poetry 2023
For inspiration and reflection
- Poems 2023 – now in reverse date order (see below)
- Poems 2022
- Poems 2005 – 2021
- Poems Podcast – audio list
- Commissioned Poems – other commissions welcome
- Re-published Poems – shared elsewhere
- Poetry Competitions
- Poem on video – a taster
- My poetry writing background – it started at school
- Poems on Social Media – Instagram and Pinterest
- Full list of poems as a category in my blog – in reverse date order
18 December 2023 Thank You Channel 9 Poem
11 December 2023 Hopeful Poem
4 December 2023 Digital Dementia Poem
26 November 2023 Afternoon Chat Poem
27 October 2023 Nevertheless Poem
15 October 2023 Exuberance Poem
Poems Written And Published 2005 - 2021
Poems Podcast
Commissioned Poems Links
See my Commissioned Poems here. If you would like me to write about something in particular, please contact me.
Re-published Poems
See my Re-published Poems here. You are welcome to ask me to re-publish my poems in your publication.
Poetry Submissions and Competitions
21 April 2023 Little Infinite – Poetry is Life
31 August 2022 Red Room Poetry – Poetry Month #30in30
17 August 2022 Writers Victoria Magazine – Unravel
30 September 2020 Rabbit 32 The FORM Issue – The Change, Love is a virus (not published), Unsaid (not published)
Poem on Video
‘The Change‘ is a poem I wrote and recorded during the first of many COVID-19 Lockdowns here in Melbourne on 13 February 2020. The poem starts at 00:02:23 in this video.
Most of the poems listed above include an audio recording.
My Poetry Writing Background
My first ‘poetry’ memory is from my Year 9 French class in secondary school in 1979 when I was asked to convert a French poem into English – I apparently did a very good job, with the number of syllables roughly matching

Fast forward to 2016 when I started writing non-fiction books. I was listening to Spotify at the time and heard a fantastic advertisement about Victoria University and I asked for their permission to re-use the content in the front of my first book – the Take Action sequence.
I was hooked. I started writing more poems and made sure that each book started with a poem. My fourth book, Gigsters, has a poem in every chapter. Two more books in the pipeline will be all poems!
Each time I write a piece, I like to explain my motivation and include an image that I think reflects the meaning in a visual sense.
I have started adding audio recordings for each piece, I may get to doing videos (not a huge fan of video). I do not have any formal poetry writing training and I don’t follow any particular methodology.
However, I do remember making up songs in the shower as a child – making both the lyrics and the ‘music’ on the spot, so hopefully at some point, I will be able to write songs with music. Unfortunately I did not learn music as a child (apart from one school term on the recorder), so that may not happen for some time.
I hope you enjoy my poems and I welcome your feedback!
If you would like me to write about something in particular, please contact me.
If you would like to reproduce them elsewhere, you are welcome to do so, but you must quote me as the author and ideally, link back to this website.
I consider myself to be a Victorian Australian, from South Australia, and thanks to my education and technology, a citizen of the world.
For my special series on Psychology Poems, please click here.