Purpose Poem

Purpose Poem By Sue Ellson

Purpose Poem

By Sue Ellson


What is my purpose
For life and living
How do I ensure
I’m constantly thriving


What is worth doing
How should I feel
When will I get there
And truly be real


Will it take research
Or a helpful adviser
Where can I turn
To start to feel wiser


I am here now
So I’ve done something right
But I’ve drawn a blank
And lost all sight


Could there be a reason
Why the answer escapes me
Should I simply wait
For what is my destiny


Could I leave it to chance
Or wait for a sign
Perhaps I’m impatient
To know what is mine


What I know now
Is that I feel uncertain
If I had a purpose
We could raise the curtain


The show would start
The play would begin
And at the end
The audience would grin


But what if my purpose
Didn’t need a name
Could I continue
Life’s unpredictable game


If my purpose isn’t clear
Would I lose my worth
Could I keep going
On this marvellous earth


Yes, I can continue
I’ll live without clarity
I’ll ride the waves
Of my own reality


For that’s all there is
Whether I’m aligned or not
So for now I’ll be grateful
For all that I’ve got


Tomorrow I’ll give it
A much closer look
But for now I’ll be mindful
And let myself off the hook


A purpose could help me
But that could change too
So for now I’ll keep breathing
Until the next clue



There are times in life when a few bumps in the road seem to occur close together, or one big pothole consumes us. At those times, we may start to question our purpose in life.

Why are we here and what are we supposed to do with our lives? Surely we must have some sort of purpose for being here? Surely life has some sort of meaning?

It can all feel pretty meaningless if we are in any sort of pain or discomfort, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual (or all three).

There are plenty of tools and techniques that you can use to find a ‘purpose.’ If you are really hungry right now, getting something to eat or drink could be high on your purpose list!

But if you are in a moment of existential uncertainty, I believe the concept of a purpose could bring you comfort. If you could give your life in the present moment some definition, clarity or goal, you could wrestle your challenges and see beyond what is happening right now.

However, in my experience, the moment of challenge is not the time to seek instant resolution. I believe it is time to pause. To take your foot off the gas. Give yourself some time to pick yourself up and look at the bigger picture. To go back to just breathing until you have a feeling of equilibrium.

You can then look backwards, forwards and in between, but without the pressure to find an answer and solve a problem instantaneously.

Some days, we can wake up and be clear about our purpose. Some days, it isn’t clear. Some days, we just have to get through the day.

Personally, my main ‘purpose’ has changed several times in my life. The overarching principle for most of my life has been to live in generous service. I have found it very difficult when I haven’t been able to be of service and that is when I have felt as if I have lost my purpose.

But as a human being, I think we all have the privilege of finding our own way to truly be.

So whatever that is for you, and in whatever peculiar way you would like to do it (provided it is legal!), I encourage you to keep breathing and to keep going. And ask for help whenever you need it! Even if it is just to have someone sit with you for a while. With love, Sue Ellson 🙂

Photo is of Wattle in Blackburn, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on 10 July 2024

#purpose #purposepoem #SueEllson #SueEllsonPoem #poem #poetry #trulybe

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