Where do you put your Primary Keywords on your LinkedIn Profile?

Where do you put your Primary Keywords on your LinkedIn Profile? By Sue Ellson

Where do you put your Primary Keywords on your LinkedIn Profile?

By Sue Ellson

Where do you put your primary keywords on your LinkedIn Profile?

Well, these are the words you want to be found for in either LinkedIn Search Results or Other Online Search Results.

The number one spot is in your Headline directly underneath your name.

The number two spot is in your current job title.

Number three spot is your past job title, and number four spot is in your Certifications if you have them.

I have also noticed a preference in search results for people who have these skills listed in the Open to Providing Services Section.

You might ask, how do I know this?

Well, if you do a search, you’ll see those keywords that you’ve put in the search query in those sections on the LinkedIn profile search results.

You can find out more via clicking the link below or check out my LinkedIn for me and my career or business Online Course at my website https://sueellson.com/courses

Thanks and bye for now.

Where do you put your Primary Keywords on your LinkedIn Profile? By Sue Ellson

Additional Information

You can learn more about Primary and Secondary Keywords for LinkedIn here.

You can see my Services page on LinkedIn here.

LinkedIn Online Course

You may also be interested in the course ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘ which includes a copy of my book!

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