Hyperlocal Business Marketing For SMEs For The Australian Institute Of Management

Hyperlocal Business Marketing For SMEs For The Australian Institute Of Management

By Sue Ellson

Date: Wednesday 20 August 2014 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Organisation: Australian Institute of Management
Workshop: Hyperlocal Business Marketing for SME’s
Festival: Small Business Festival 1 – 31 August 2014
Venue: Australian Institute of Management Level 20, 380 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000
Invitation from: Thomas Slugocki
 Daniel Elphick

Topic: “Hyperlocal business marketing for SME’s”

Description: Everyone says ‘go global’, but perhaps your business needs to go ‘hyperlocal’ instead? This enlightening forum will introduce you to the concept of hyperlocal marketing and show you how an integrated hyperlocal marketing plan can help you to grow your business, increase your client base and make your enterprise more sustainable.

This informative forum will assist you to:

  • Explain what hyperlocal marketing is
  • Identify hyperlocal marketing opportunities in your area
  • Determine which hyperlocal techniques are best for your business
  • Design an integrated marketing plan that includes hyperlocal marketing options

Suitable for home-based business owners, sole traders, and small business operators, this forum is an excellent introduction into the eye-opening power of hyperlocal marketing.

About the speaker:
Sue Ellson is the Founder and Director of Newcomers Network, the Global Mobility Network and the Camberwell Network. She advises individuals and businesses on how to use both traditional and contemporary marketing methods to attract new clients and business.

PowerPoint Slides:

Audio Recording: Download the 44MB .m4a file lasting 1:29:20 recording of Sue Ellson’s presentation at


Please indicate how much you agree with the following statementsStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree or Disagree
The event I attended…   
Was relevant to my needs3 – 27%7 – 64%1 – 10%
Helped me gain additonal skills and knowledge4 – 36%5 – 45%2 – 18%
Was about the right length of time2 – 18%8 – 73%1 – 10%
Provided me with information I intend to apply to my business5 – 45%5 – 45%1 – 10%
How would you rate the following aspects of the presenter?ExcellentVery GoodFair
Maintained my interest5 – 45%5 – 45%1 – 10%
Demonstrated relevant knowledge5 – 45%6 – 55% 
Communicated clearly with the audience6 – 55%5 – 45% 
How would you rate the following aspects of the event overall?ExcellentVery GoodFair
Organisation of this event3 – 27%7 – 64%1 – 10%
Venue/location5 – 45%6 – 55% 
Food and beverages4 – 36%5 – 45%2 – 18%
Value for money2 – 18%7 – 64%2 – 18%
To what extent did the session meet your expectations?   
Better than expected5 – 45%  
About what I expected5 – 45%  
Not as good as expected1 – 10%  

Other comments:

Hi Sue
Thank you for your presentation last night at the AIM. It was most informative.
Many thanks
Kythe McLean

Hi Sue,
The presentation was both interactive and informative especially on Google+, SEO and working with local organisations.
Best Regards
David Wolfram

Hi Sue, just a quick message to say thank you for such a great informative Hyperlocal Marketing workshop. It provided me with a range of ideas and strategies that I will be implementing in the not too distant future. I’m already starting to plan my attack!!
Look forward to catching up with you again soon.
In the meantime, my very best regards.
Simon Hull

Further notes:
You may also be interested in reading this article on LinkedIn about Hyperlocal Marketing.