Instant Gratification Poem

Instant Gratification Poem By Sue Ellson

Instant Gratification Poem

By Sue Ellson


Instant Gratification
Is not the only way
Joyous Anticipation
Lasts longer than a day


Instant Gratification
Destroys the chance to wait
Pleasurable Satisfaction
Leads us through a different gate


Instant Gratification
Wants the punch line now
Momentous Culmination
Delivers a real pow wow


Instant Gratification
Drives us to addiction
Deliberate Reflection
Creates healthy fruition


Instant Gratification
Is a curse in our society
Courageous Champions
Please increase your notoriety!


What we need right now
Is not another quick fix
But the time to consider
A score higher than six


What will you do today
To create a better way
That values all things
And enhances our play?


If we seek a destination
The journey ends there
But if we value duration
Fulfilment is everywhere


This reflective poem was triggered by yet another online dating disappointment. 🙁 But it is not just about the challenges facing singles looking for a partner.

The pervasiveness of instant gratification seems to be taking over our lifestyles at every level – in the home, at work and socially.

I am old enough to remember a time when it was okay to play. Now it seems that all we have time for is to be played. To consume rather than to create. To be a product rather than a person.

I am sad to see our humanity disappearing into a disposable image. To find that the bonds of true friendship are being replaced with zombie like behaviours as more and more people use their screens and text to filter their messages.

We need courageous champions willing to speak and meet with people, preferably outdoors and in real life. And to meet more than once, over time.

Fulfilment is everywhere, not just in moments of instant gratification. With love, Sue Ellson 🙂

Photo is of the lake used for punt boats in the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Victoria on 15 July 2018

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