Poetry Month 2024 By Red Room Poetry #30in30

Australian Poetry Month 2024

Poetry Month 2024 by Red Room Poetry #30in30

By Sue Ellson

Red Room Poetry are the organisers of Poetry Month and in August 2024, they provided 30 writing prompts for three line poems for 30 days.

I joined the challenge and here are my contributions in bold text.

The writing prompts for each poem are in italic text.

If you click on the date link, you will see it published on Facebook and the engagement it received and some of the other entries (it was also run on Twitter and Instagram).

I started making contributions on 1 August 2024 and you can see them below.

Here’s a video introduction to the series!

Announcing Poetry Month

31 August 2024

Theresa Sainty: ‘Thinking about pathways, write something about the Milky Way as a pathway.’

Seen above, from below
The Milky Way’s guiding light
Shines on the dreams we follow

30 August 2024

Aloma Davis: ‘Think of a place you treasure. Describe what you can hear, see, and physically and emotionally feel. Write a poem about the way you carry that place in your mind.’

In your gentle silence
Your comforting vibe
You are my home and part of my tribe

29 August 2024

Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon: ‘Find a text with an issue that either angers or inspires you. Print it out. Whiteout or blackout portions of that text. Create a new narrative, find the poem within.’

“Blood is thicker than water” is a bastardisation of the full quote:
“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”
Those who stand by you, those who support you – they are your family.
Bonds of loyalty and choice are stronger than mere genetics.
White Wolf

Blood is a bastardisation
Those who stand by you are your family
Bonds are stronger than genetics

28 August 2024

Phoebe Grainer: ‘Fire. Big. Burning. Fire. What keeps your fire burning? What is your fire? Tell a story of fire.’

As the fire burns
Papers from the past
Smoke takes away the pain at last

27 August 2024

Ella Jeffery: ‘Write a poem about a piece of art, film or music that you find strangely compelling, for reasons you don’t fully understand.’

Whilst your lyrics meant something to me
Your music video told a different story
As the listener I can choose what I believe

26 August 2024

Adrian Mouhajer and Princess Arinola Adegbite: ‘ Write an ode to a characteristic you once disliked about yourself but are learning to embrace, reflecting on how your ancestry could influence this journey.’

Oh naivety your blindfold so sweet
Hiding me from all those dangers so deep
Now a grateful cover that I choose to keep

25 August 2024

Patrick Gunasekera: ‘Write a poem about someone else making up for a past wrong, and how you feel about their growth.’

Then sorry
All too late

24 August 2024

Manal Younus: ‘Write about something that, in another life, you would be an expert in.’

In quiet reverie
I could contemplate
And let flow reverberate

23 August 2024

Juran Adams: ‘Close your eyes and visit a memory where you feel cared for and nurtured, where you feel warm and loved. Remember that moment, what did it smell like? What did it feel like on your skin? What do you hear? What senses does this memory spark?’

On a windswept cliff
Overlooking an everchanging bay
The salt-air sentiment of the 70’s delighted my day

22 August 2024

Dominic Guerrera: ‘Write a poem to your grandmother and tell her why you love her’.

As the cheekiest card player
And the tireless lawn bowler
It was your girlish spark that won me over

21 August 2024

Sonya Hollowell: ‘Create a vocalised dialogue poem by listening to the song of the Whales. Reflect what you have heard back to them, offering something of yourself in the exchange.’

Wake up, wake up
For I am here, ready for fun
Just lend me your ear

20 August 2024

Laura Panopoulos: ‘For a week, record three “good” things a day. They can be insignificant events, like perfectly poached eggs or green traffic lights on a drive. Include several in a poem.’

A friend indeed
A stranger healed
The blatant truth finally revealed

19 August 2024

Jonathan Sriranganathan: ‘Corporations are cooking the planet. Governments drop bombs on hospitals. Landlords keep jacking up the rent. Yet still we slumber. Write a utopian poem about how we transform everything.’

In kindred relationships
We rise against the tyranny of tarantulas
Weaving a web of welcome wonder

18 August 2024

Lucy Norton: ‘Think of a dream you once had, and couldn’t shake. Write a poem as if it were a memory.’

In your arms entwined
Your stubble grazed my cheek
When will I meet you…

17 August 2024

Ouyang Yu: ‘What’s your image of a hero or heroine? Write a poem about it.’

In any instance
Prepared to take action
Hero or heroine

16 August 2024

Hasib Hourani: ‘List five objects in the room and write a poem combining them into one story.’

Monkey Mug, Pencil, Keyboard, Paper, Tea

The Monkey Mug watches me sipping tea
My pencil and paper write poetry
The keyboard allows everyone to see

15 August 2024

James Colley: ‘The world is a dark and serious place. Poetry doesn’t need to be. Make me smile. Make me laugh.’

Why is the grass greener
Or the sea bluer
Somewhere else?

14 August 2024

Felicity Plunkett: ‘Carl Phillips writes: ‘any poem that has resonance will contain tension’ (The Art of Daring). Write a poem containing tension. This might be in the subject, language, lineation, rhythm, etc.’

Looking out
To sea
Not knowing why

13 August 2024

Kirli Saunders: ‘Sit with a body of water, write what you see, feel, hear and know. Not all mob are saltwater connected, but our waterways are’.

Everchanging inspiration
Everpresent melody
Everyday bay

12 August 2024

Lang Leav: ‘Flip a coin. If it lands on heads, write a poem about hunger. If it lands on tails, write a poem about luck.’

Lucky to have faith
That no matter what happens
I’ll be okay and you will be too

11 August 2024

Chika Ikogwe: Write a poem in response to this image, ‘Queen of Hearts’ by Stephanie Martei.

The Queen of Hearts
Present in thought
Mind and soul

10 August 2024

Zenobia Frost & Bec Jessen: ‘What topic do you most hope someone will ask you about at a party? Write a poem through the lens of this passion, capturing a slant self-portrait in the niche details that light you up.’

Can we find a quiet place to chat
About anything
Except handbags

9 August 2024

Rob Waters, in response to his #30in30 Commissioned poem ‘Writers Block’: ‘Write a poem or a soundtrack in words for overcoming writer’s block?’

The heart is full of words
Tune in to hear
Then write beyond all fear

8 August 2024

Patrick Lenton: ‘Is there a moment from your youth that makes you viscerally cringe every time you remember it? Try to find this moment and write a poem about it from your adult perspective.’

Sent to get a haircut
Sent back to get it cut even shorter
Character building but cruel

7 August 2024

Zainab Syded: ‘All of us have inherited something from our ancestors beyond materiality. Write about your inheritance(s)’

Stubbornly persisting
Through challenge and strife
Finding my way to live a glorious life

6 August 2024

Pascalle Burton and Andrew Galan: 1) Choose a piece of legislation or bureaucratic form that has impacted your life in some way. 2) Use this text to create a poem (up to 20 lines or can be a visual poem). 3) Remember to cite the texts.

Fair Work Act ‘Employees working for a small business need to be employed for at least 12 months before they can apply [for unfair dismissal].’

Joyfully pregnant
Disgracefully dismissed
Justifiably angry and
Triggered for six years
Until radically forgiven
Now grateful for life’s twist

5 August 2024

Mitch McTaggart: ‘Fever dream before, or fever dream now? The TV is re-playing the show I thought my brain had invented. Write a poem on/from its set.’

Remembering secrets, lies and deceptions
A dynasty of disasters
Awaiting redemption

4 August 2024

Dylan Van Den Berg (Palawa): ‘First love, bubbling resentment; photographs stand-in for life’s moments, both thrilling and banal. Choose one. Write about that time or the time before – or the time you wish it was.’

That first kiss on the beach
Moonlight and sea
No submarines

3 August 2024

Heather Mitchell: ‘Recall a moment. Recall an associated feeling. Sit with it. Eyes closed. Breathe into it. Allow unconnected words to form. See it, Hear it, Feel it. Open eyes and write them down. Walk away. Revisit exercise again later and repeat.’

The warm breeze whispered
Under the Milky Way tonight
And my heart went to heaven

2 August 2024

Nam Le: ‘Write a poem that no-one but your mother would recognise is to her, about her.’

A defiant determination
To travel without exercise
And reminisce in red dirt

1 August 2024

Simon Armitage: ‘Remember: people aren’t as interested in you as you are. Readers want writing. Write a poem about your first memory without using the word “I”.

Rumbling around in the back of a station wagon
Dodging mobile suitcases as we sped to the airport on gravel roads
Childhood joy before leaving Kangaroo Island

See my other poems here or subscribe to the monthly email newsletter to receive links to the latest publications.

See my submissions from 2022 here and 2023 here.

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