Rejection Poem

Rejection Poem by Sue Ellson background in Faraday Victoria Australia

Rejection Poem

By Sue Ellson


A short delay
A hesitation
A look of


A thousand no’s
I’ve faced it’s true
A thousand no’s
Have left me blue


A thousand no’s
That poke and dare
That challenge my heart
And seem so unfair


A thousand no’s
Like curses and pain
Harmful and hurtful
Leave me feeling lame


Trapped in regrets
Wishing for more
Looking forward
But stuck in before


Rejection sucks
The utter loneliness
Of accumulated losses
Tragedy and consequences


But what if I could believe
It wasn’t about me
That their rejection
Could help me truly be


By resisting my way
They could clarify my direction
By saying no to what I want
They coach me into action


They swing the pendulum
To both sides of the ledger
They reflect the good and bad
And bring authenticity closer


Rejection can be protection
Redirection and correction
A celebration of truth
Of humanity’s imperfection


So here I stand
Slightly jaded and forlorn
But I won’t give up
Every day I am reborn


This week I am helping people facing an uncertain future and at these times in life, it can feel as if we are being rejected. As a self employed person, I face a lot of no’s on a regular basis. Like most people, I have faced personal rejections and disappointments too. In hindsight, I have been grateful but at the time, they have been very painful, some much worse than others. But after feeling my clients’ concerns this week, I was reminded of how many rejections we all face in life – some we expect and others we don’t. I would rather see them as stepping stones for growth that help me be all that I can be…With love, Sue Ellson 🙂

Photo is of a hill in Faraday, Victoria, Australia (near Castlemaine) on 7 October 2023.

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