Sue Ellson 2022

How can I help you?

When I first joined the online world in 2001, I had a lot to learn. I went to an ‘expert’ and what I asked for and what they delivered were two completely different things. So began the online boot-strap approach of constant self-education, experimentation and testing that I have continued ever since.

I have made plenty of mistakes working things out so you don’t have to! To survive without a real job since 1994 means I have got a lot right and I love the variety and challenge!

As an educator, everything I do is designed to build on what you already know – whether you are a beginner or very knowledgeable. I have also done everything I suggest so I have had to fix all the bugs and I will admit, swear at my screen!

I work with my clients, students and the media to inform, educate and transform lives with specialist, current and practical knowledge, experience and insights in the areas of LinkedIn, careers, business, marketing, social media and WordPress websites.

I use technology to help you appear in search results in search engines (Google and Bing), chat results (ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot) and social media so that you can attract opportunities aligned with your values, purpose, goals and objectives without paying for advertising and by creating digital assets that are suitable for your target audience – for your career, business or enterprise.

I help you understand what you are doing and why – so we can choose the best of the best and focus on implementing what will work now and in the future.

I provide an extensive amount of information that can be freely accessed anytime and anywhere so please enjoy browsing around this website and follow me on social media.

If you would like to save time and work smarter, simply book an appointment and let’s get started!

Online LinkedIn Course

Start anytime!

LinkedIn for me and my career or business

From the book ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business,’ launched on 23 January 2023 and a finalist in the Australian Career Book Awards 2023, this online LinkedIn course includes the entire book content (fully updated in March 2024) and video instructions – just AUD$97! Complete in your own time at your own pace.

“Can I just say that as a person who has not had to look for a job in over 30 years this course is proving invaluable and I’m only onto the third section.”  24 April 2024

Sue Ellson Blog

All the latest news!

Upcoming Free Webinar

34th Event in the LinkedIn Insight Webinar Series!

10 Ways to Improve your LinkedIn Branding

Wednesday 10 July 2024 12pm - 12:30pm UTC+10

From the book ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business,’ launched on 23 January 2023 and a finalist in the Australian Career Book Awards 2023, this webinar will cover the top 10 ways to improve your LinkedIn Branding and will include time for questions and answers. Register now via LinkedIn or Eventbrite.

Upcoming Live Event

Solutions Focused in Melbourne

LinkedIn for me and my career or business Workshop

Saturday 13 July 2024 - 9:30am - 1:30pm AEST UTC+10

Four participants, four hours, live and in person in Canterbury in Melbourne with me, Sue Ellson – investment only $195 and includes a paperback copy of ‘LinkedIn for me and my career or business‘ book that was launched in 2023. Register now via Eventbrite

About Me

Who is Sue Ellson?

Independent LinkedIn Specialist, Author, Educator, Career Development Practitioner, Consultant, Founder, Gigster, Trainer, Poet

Originally from Adelaide in South Australia and living in Melbourne since 1994, Victoria, Australia, my full time 11 year corporate career started in banking just six days after my last secondary school exam. I haven’t had a ‘real job’ since!

As a life-long learner by choice, I completed part-time university studies, entirely by correspondence in 2000 and have been attending up to four in person and online events per week ever since.

My extensive analogue and digital knowledge, skills and networks have been developed through values-aligned professional, pro bono and voluntary work.

I am the Founder of two social enterprises, Newcomers Network (2001 – now) and Camberwell Network (2012 – 2022).

I joined LinkedIn in 2003 (member number 77,832). I started consulting and training on LinkedIn in 2008. Since 2016, I have written and published five non-fiction books and my next two will be poetry books.

I have been featured on a 2023 list of LinkedIn Experts and have provided professional services to a range of local and international clients.

I am regularly quoted in the media on the topics of LinkedIn, careers, gigsters, business, social media, marketing, networking and being a newcomer.

As a gigster, I use technology to attract aligned gigs and I won’t be stopping anytime soon. I am always looking for one new thing to do every month! 

After hours, I enjoy catching up with family and friends, going for long walks and five rhythms dancing. 💃

Sue Ellson on Television

This journey started in September 2022
with Channel 9 interviewing me as a
 Career and Workplace Subject Matter Expert in Melbourne
on national Australian television!

How to Beat Workplace Burnout 
Tuesday 9 July 2024
19th Appearance


Short videos of less than 60 seconds

1000 +
100 +
100 +
500 +

Sue Ellson Reviews

A small selection


Professional Memberships

Sue Ellson is a member of