20 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn For The Rotary E-Club of Melbourne
Date: Wednesday 4 May 2016 8:10pm – 9:00pm
Organisation: Rotary E-Club of Melbourne
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Invitation from: Jack Ings and Peter Lamping
Introduction: Peter Lamping
Topic: “20 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn”
Details Online: http://rotaryeclubofmelbourne.org.au
PowerPoint Slides: (106KB)
Audio Recording: (22MB, 00:56:10) https://web.archive.org/web/20221021101653/https://sueellson.com/downloads/160504-rotary-e-club-of-melbourne-20-ways-to-achieve-your-purpose-with-linkedin.m4a
Video Recording: (108MB, 00:53:06) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a59UBn_lqo
20 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn For The Rotary E-Club of Melbourne With Sue Ellson – YouTube
Next Guest Speaker
4th May 2016
Sue Ellson – 120 Ways To Achieve Our Purpose With LinkedIn
With over 415 million members worldwide and more than 7 million members in Australia, LinkedIn in not just a network for professionals, it is a publishing powerhouse and a business marketplace. Rotarians are encouraged to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advocate goodwill and peace around the world. LinkedIn can help you do this in many ways – and Sue Ellson will be joining our meeting to show us how easy this is to do with her tried and true, tips and techniques for Rotarians and Rotary Clubs.
Sue Ellson was born in Adelaide and moved to Melbourne in 1994. She joined LinkedIn on 21 December 2003 and was one of the first 100,00 people in the world on the platform. She has been consulting on the topic of LinkedIn since 2008 and launched her first book ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ in February 2016.
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