Held Poem

Held Poem By Sue Ellson

Held Poem

By Sue Ellson


Held in thought
Held in mind
Held in love
Throughout time


Held in hope
Held in faith
Held in joy
From up above


Held in the moment
Held in the experience
Held in the ruminations
Of our existence


Without that presence
We drift, we wander
Longing to be held
To release resistance


Observe the embrace
In nature, in air
In smiles, in care
That hold is there


It’s time right now
To be aware
To feel that hold
That’s always been there


I have had a hectic week and been to bed a little too late and gotten up a little too early and so last night (Friday) I decided to play catch up. I woke up at a similar time this morning (Saturday) and went back to sleep and dreamt that I was being held from behind for quite a long time. It was in colour and it was as if I could feel the embrace. As a person who has been single for a very long time, I will admit that I do miss being held. I sometimes even feel sorry for myself.

But I also received a come-uppance this week. I have a male friend I have known for around 10 years and I was reminding him of how wonderful his father is to him (his mother died many years ago). Of course, he has told his father many times how much he appreciates him, but he decided to call him and say it again in more detail acknowledging both his emotional and financial support over many years. His father, ever so humbly replied, that my friend had been a wonderful son to him.

This example reminded me of all of the things that other people have done for me and whilst a ‘hug’ may have only been a small component of the experience, there is so much more to every experience than what we feel through physical touch from another person.

So what did I learn? The embrace we so often seek is already there. Whilst it may not be in the form of a physical hug, we are all held in so many ways, if only we looked a little closer. With love, Sue Ellson 🙂

Photo is of seagulls that came to stand and sit next to me (I didn’t have any food and they were there for a long time) at Maslin Beach, South Australia at sunset on 17 January 2021.

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