Search Engine Optimisation SEO Techniques For LinkedIn Advanced For SEO Melbourne Meetup Group

Search Engine Optimisation SEO Techniques for LinkedIn Advanced For SEO Melbourne Meetup Group

By Sue Ellson

Date: Tuesday 7 April 2015 from 7:45pm
Organisation: Melbourne SEO Meetup
Session: Interactive PowerPoint Presentation 40 minutes
Venue: Honey Bar 345 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 
Invitation from: 
Michael JonesChris BurgessPeter MeadSaijo George
Introduction: Peter Mead
Topic: “SEO Techniques for LinkedIn”
Details Online:
PowerPoint Slides:

Audio Recording: (18.7MB, 00:40:55)

(If you enjoy this presentation, you may also like to review the previous SEO Techniques for LinkedIn presentation held at the Melbourne SEO Meetup on Wednesday 4 June 2014).

YouTube Video: 00:41:22



Thanks heaps for the add on LinkedIn Sue and the information. Loved your presentation, have a great day.
Minh Ly

Hey Guys, I posted a recap for this event on my blog, so feel free to relive the night 🙂
Peter Macinkovic 

Thank you so much for yesterday. Informative, knowledgeable and very well presented 🙂

Thank you so much, Sue and Melinda were fantastic!!! I will be seeing you on Linkedin and Google +. thanks so much Chris and Peter.
Sherridan Green

Thank you for a well planned and managed event! Melinda and Sue were fabulous, great take-away tips! Thank you Peter and Chris. Good food too 🙂
Jane R

Melinda and Sue are true pioneers of the X and Y generation platforms.
Michael Nguyen

Great presentations, thanks to both, Melinda and Sue.
Will start implementing those techniques right away.
Minh Ly

Thanks Sue & Melinda for fabulous night. Looking forward to getting Sue’s presentation link
Kylie Saunder

Hi Sue, thank you for all those wonderful pearls of wisdom last night.
Geoff Duffell

Pure gold tips on LinkedIn from @sueellson at the @SEOMeetups in Melbourne tonight. Thx for being so generous with your knowledge.
Melinda Samson

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