Strife Poem
I died a little
When I heard someone say
Something that upset me
Still to this day
I died a little
When I lost a loved one
A relationship that was dear
Has now simply gone
I died a little
When I was betrayed
It crushed my faith
And the plans I had laid
I died a little
When I blurted out
Something I should not have said
So now I am often in doubt
But then I realised
That this is all part of life
Living and dying
And coping with strife
I lived a little
When I heard someone say
Something so thoughtful
That it made my day
I lived a little
When my heart was filled with joy
Simply watching a sweet child
Play with a treasured toy
I lived a little
When I made the grade
The striving, the seeking
It made me feel remade
I lived a little
When I learned to speak
To take a stand
And not feel like a freak
And now I realise
That this is all part of life
Living and dying
And dealing with strife
It makes me resilient
It helps me to grow
It tests my courage
It disturbs the flow
It sharpens my instincts
It awakens my senses
It keeps me living
It destroys the fences
And then I see
The very real me
With strengths and weaknesses
Learning to be
A human
A soul
A heart
A mind
A spirit emerging
Simply one of a kind
There are times in life when something happens and you simply know that you will always remember that moment. It could be something that you heard or saw, but somehow, it changes how you view your life and what is important to you.
On this occasion, the ‘happening’ is usually related to someone you know. It is likely to be something very significant and full of personal meaning. You may even come to various conclusions or blame yourself in some way. Suddenly, you feel a part of you die a little. But in some ways, it is like pruning an old tree branch and after the crisis, you grow back a little stronger.
So please remember when you face that strife, there is more than one way to get on with life. With love, Sue Ellson 🙂
Photo is of Craig’s Hut, Mount Stirling, Victoria, Australia on 31 March 2018
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If this poem brings up uncomfortable feelings, I encourage you to talk to a trusted friend, a telephone counsellor or make an appointment to see your doctor so that you can access further support. Further personal support information is available on the Health Direct website and you can also call or chat online to Lifeline, an excellent information, support and referral service.
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