What A Difference Poem

What A Difference Poem By Sue Ellson

What A Difference Poem

By Sue Ellson


What a difference a day makes
When you feel completely out of your zone


What a difference a walk makes
When your mind won’t leave you alone


What a difference a question makes
When the answer confirms your suspicions


What a difference a choice makes
When you follow the strength of your convictions


What a difference a song makes
When it says exactly how you feel


What a difference a tune makes
When it sounds like the wound you need to heal


What a difference a day makes
When you start your day anew


What a difference a walk makes
When your steps have a new groove


What a difference a question makes
When you clarify your view


What a difference a life makes
When it supports another’s too


I was fortunate to watch a movie about ‘Sensitive People’ with another Sensitive Person last year and it made me realise how sensitive I am – not only in my personal relationships, but also in my work and general everyday living.

Over the last week, I have been extra sensitive and I am blessed to have a variety of friends who I can chat to on a regular basis. I am always looking for solutions and sometimes, even just talking will help.

One day was full of several emotions and I decided to just wait and see how I felt the next day – so I reported back to my friend, ‘What a difference a day makes’ because I happened to feel so much better the next day.

Yesterday, I started to feel very wound up again and this time, my friend actually visited and we enjoyed afternoon tea together. In our chat, I realised that what I needed to do was go for a walk and sure enough, I reported back two hours later, ‘What a difference a walk makes’ as once again, I felt so much better.

Today, I was in another discussion and I was bold enough to ask a question that really needed an answer. I received a reply that confirmed why I had been so emotional all week. On reflection, it seems as though my intuition had been trying to tell me what I already knew all week.

What I have learnt is that I obviously need to be brave enough to wait a day, take a walk and ask questions when something is on my mind as I truly know now what a difference it can make. However, having my friends to support me and vice versa is what a difference a life makes. With love, Sue 🙂

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