Title: Inside Look Into The Australian Gig Economy
Podcast Name: The Jampod Gigsters Podcast
Episode: 8
Date: 8 June 2020
Podcast Interviewer: Angela McCann
Duration: 00:49:07
Time Sue Ellson Appears: 00:01:10
Where Podcast Based: South Africa
Website: https://www.m4jam.com/the-jampod-gigsters/
Topics Discussed:
Sue Ellson is the author of four non-fiction books: LinkedIn, Careers and Business, Hyper Local Marketing and Gigsters (future of work). She is an educator at the Centre for Adult Education (CAE) in Melbourne and a private consultant and advisor available for professional development sessions on social media, websites, search engine optimisation, online presence, networking, careers, business, marketing and writing.
Transcript included: No
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