How to Ask for a Promotion or a Pay Rise At Melbourne Career Expo

How to Ask for a Promotion or a Pay Rise By Sue Ellson at Melbourne Career Expo

Topic: How to Ask for a Promotion or a Pay Rise
Date: Saturday 27 July 2024 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Organisation: Career Development Association of Australia CDAA
Address: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Convention Centre Place, South Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3006 Door 10
Event details:
Slides: Below
YouTube Video: To Come
Shared Online: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Page, Twitter

How to Ask for a Promotion or a Pay Rise

By Sue Ellson

1. When you can ask

  • At least six months, but preferably 12 months after your start date
  • At your annual performance review
  • If you have made a significant sustained and genuine contribution (be honest)
  • If you have improved your productivity or performance (3-7 times $ value)
  • If you have effectively and ethically incorporated AI into your role (Digital FTE)
  • If you haven’t asked before and you have been there a long time
  • If you have done your market research on similar roles (
  • You have independently acquired skills related to a promotion or pay rise
  • Your current role tasks have increased significantly since you started
  • Your decision-maker is reasonably up-to-date with your efforts

Activity: Read
‘Without growth, you will become stagnant and eventually irrelevant’ – Kimberly Simpson, Career Strategist USA

2. What you need to deliver

  • Indisputable written proof
  • Relevant examples – people and performance
  • Cost savings and productivity improvements
  • Aligned market rates evidence (check Award Rates
  • Comparison with current job description (all completed plus more)
  • A range of negotiation items – salary, tax options, super, flexibility, allowances, car, hours
  • Insights and suggestions for the future
  • Alternative sources of truth – Testimonials, Recommendations, Endorsements, Reports
  • Collaborators, Supporters and Advocates
  • Records of additional training or professional development competed

Activity: Read

3. What you need to prepare

  • List of tasks – present tense (in job description + additional)
  • List of achievements – past tense (non-commercially sensitive if on LinkedIn)
  • Skills – listed in About, Experience, Licenses and Certifications, Education and Endorsements
  • Recommendations – at least six both Given and Received
  • Connections – add everyone you meet in person or online (text, chat, email, platform) 60+ or 500+
  • Comparison to previous Performance Review/s and Backup Plan (build your network)
  • Education and Training – recent micro credentials and professional development completed
  • Coaching, Mentoring, Reverse Mentoring, Supervising – strategies and results
  • Proactive Approaches, Initiatives, Projects, Employee Advocacy (supporting the enterprise)
  • Consider a Gender Pay Gap Audit Complete Difficult Conversations Course

Activity: Complete

4. How you can pitch your request

  • Make sure you are fully prepared (genuine self analysis and supports in place)
  • Request meeting in advance (suitable quiet, confidential, non-rushed time)
  • Clarify current role and performance (be polite and respectful at all times)
  • Discuss written summary of evidence
  • Can also discuss what you could improve personally
  • Open conversation about future options (be flexible and understanding)
  • Clarification questions and expectations
  • Set time for follow up and review
  • Gather any additional information
  • Meet to confirm final details and request in writing

Activity: Read (don’t recommend negotiating via email)

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