Police Poem

Service of Trust Poem By Sue Ellson Police Motorcycle on display at Royal Melbourne Show 2010

Police Poem – Service of Trust

By Sue Ellson


As we lie in our bed tonight
Cosy and warm and out of sight
We will pause to remember our blessed opportunity
To be protected and safe in our community


Served by police
Through education and enforcement
Served by police
Who endure so much stress and torment


We admire their bravery
Their courage and valour
We respect their authority
Without fear or favour


They are there in a crisis
At the front line of chaos
They are there in the stillness
When tears are shed in silence


So much is unseen
So much is unspoken
So much we mourn
When they are broken


Carry on they will
Carry on they must
But let us never forget
Their service of trust


My sincerest condolences to everyone affected by yesterday’s tragedy, no matter how small – it was a loud wake up call to remind us of the service and sacrifice that occurs every minute of every day by so many people who protect our safety and our freedom. 💙💙💙💙

We salute you Victoria Police.

Photo is of a police motorcycle at the Royal Melbourne Show in 2010

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