Solitude Poem

Solitude Poem By Sue Ellson

Solitude Poem

By Sue Ellson


Free of drama
Free of angst
Free of chaos
Calmly chaste


Thoughts swirl
Skin curls
Heart aches
Soul twirls


Freedom is
As freedom is
Time is
As time is


In these moments
Reflections occur
Relief surfaces
Rumbles stir


Like cleansing rain
It clears the pain
The darkest hour
Releases my cower


Without distraction
Creativity abounds
Connected to source
My self love sounds


On my own
To truly be
I am myself
Original me


Frightening at first
Letting go of my past
Thrilling thoughts
Are suddenly cast


Can hope overcome
Lonely fear
Can self belief
Be all I hear


In solitude I face
The demons within
In solitude life
Can really begin


For in that space
The winds of desire
Can freely flow
And light my fire


Be brave, be courageous
Understand the truth
Solitude is for heroes
So be your own sleuth


It helps you discover
Your incredible power
Relish the opportunity
To shine brighter every hour


I have now been an ’empty nester’ for more than two years and at the end of last year, my youngest child moved interstate. It hasn’t been easy. Whilst I didn’t expect to ‘keep’ my children with me forever, I had hoped I would always be able to see them regularly. But my life hasn’t turned out that way.

Like many people, I also thought I would find an aligned partner in life. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened either. So in my most recent past, I have decided to go within and get to know myself better. I am discovering a lot.

On Saturday when I wrote this poem, I came to realise that solitude has its benefits and the ‘meaning of life’ is appearing in a very different way through this experience.

I will be heading off on a short solo road trip soon, back to my home town of Adelaide. I am looking forward to learning even more, without the preoccupation of constantly trying to achieve all of the goals or expectations I have created (no doubt influenced by popular culture).

It is time to go with the flow for the first time in my life. And for now, in solitude. I hope you can find some space in your life for some solitude too. I also hope it allows you to discover yourself in a new way. It may not be easy. But it has a lot of benefits.

Facing the fear and going through the pain has got easier each time I have done it. I am also releasing a very large back catalogue of disappointments and grief. I am definitely a work in progress. Watch out for the new me. With love, Sue Ellson 🙂

Photo is of park bench in Shrublands Creek Reserve, Canterbury, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on Sunday 3 April 2022.

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