Top Ten Return To Work Strategies At Melbourne Career Expo

Top 10 Return ToWork Strategies By Sue Ellson at Melbourne Career Expo

Topic: Top Ten Return To Work Strategies
Date: Saturday 27 July 2024 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Organisation: Career Development Association of Australia CDAA
Address: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Convention Centre Place, South Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3006 Door 10
Event details:
Slides: Below
YouTube Video: To Come
Shared Online: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Page, Twitter

Top 10 Return To Work Strategies

By Sue Ellson

  1. Review and Reflect
    • Beware of advice from well-meaning friends, family and colleagues
    • Catalogue existing and new skills you have
    • Understand how employers recruit
    • Consider Networking, Referrals and Voluntary Work
  2. Prepare
    • Update your Resume or CV and make it Applicant Tracking System Friendly
    • Create and/or Update your LinkedIn Profile
    • Consider gaining some Micro Credentials – free short courses available through LinkedIn Learning with a local Library Card
    – Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are also free international online courses
    • Consider professional and personal skills (like assertiveness, confidence etc)
  3. Set Goals
    • Who will you talk to and when (collect information)
    • What local research can you do (working close-to-home can be better than working-from-home)
    • Depending on your context, consider a job-for-now rather than a job-for-life to get you back into work
    • Go beyond job advertisements (so many jobs are never advertised)
    • Consider re-connecting with people you have worked with in the past
  4. Use Technology
    • Optimise your Resume or CV
    • Optimise your LinkedIn Profile (especially your Headline underneath your name)
    • Optimise your ‘Application Document’ – include all keywords in Cover Letter and Resume or CV
    • Connect with everyone you meet online, in person, via email, chat, phone or DM
    • Follow the Companies that are of most interest (so you appear in their search results)
  5. Be Savvy
    • List Current Job from date of last job as ‘Career Research – Title, Title, Title’ and Employer as ‘Various’ then complete description to describe all that you have done between then and now
    • Focus on the value you bring, not just the ‘skills’
    • Only need 60% competency
    • Remember we are moving away from ‘Job Titles and Company Names’ to providing value from day one
    • Two Part Time Jobs could be the equivalent of One Full Time Job and be more accessible
  6. Know Your Worth
    • Don’t assume you can only do a ‘basic’ part time or full time job, perhaps you can do a specialist contract or temporary role until there is a budget for your expertise
    • Negotiate various other benefits if pay isn’t ideal – flexibility, salary sacrifice, review in three months, car or eTag allowance
    • Demonstrate your value – three to seven times what you are paid to the enterprise measured by productivity, income, sales etc
    • Check Market Rates
  7. Partner Up
    • Be goal clear first
    • People who support
    • People who educate (career and industry)
    • People who refer
    • People who keep you accountable
    • Thank everyone
    • LinkedIn Search & Google Advanced Search
  8. Manage Your Expectations
    • Within two years to be aligned
    • Be prepared to miss out
    • Say ‘their loss’ and move on
    • Ask for professional help
    • Always say thank you directly
    • Ask to keep on file or pass on
  9. Manage Your Transition
    • Don’t expect perfection on day one
    • Allow six months to be unconsciously competent
    • Ensure you have ongoing support outside of work
    • If you have access to an Employee Assistance Program EAP, be prepared to use it
    • Be prepared to ask questions or request further training
  10. Manage Your Career
    • Consider Membership of a Professional Association
    • Consider peer support, on-the-job training, mentoring
    • Consider further training and professional development
    • Constantly increase the size of your network
    • Maintain your network 🔔 for VIPs
    • Prepare for Performance Reviews
    • Develop Communication Skills

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